WMB Meaning

The WMB meaning is "Wall Mxunting Brackets". The WMB abbreviation has 47 different full form.

WMB Full Forms

  1. Wall Mxunting Brackets
  2. Wall Mount Brackets
  3. Wat Mij Betreft
  4. Where'S My Bus
  5. Wert Mall Building
  6. Warld Most Beautiful
  7. Wildfire Management Branch
  8. Watershed Management Bureau Government, Us, Control, Administration
  9. Wheaton Municipal Band
  10. Websphere Message Buoker Technology, Development, Sphere
  11. World Mussion Builders
  12. Wildcat Marching Band
  13. Walnut Marketing Boarm
  14. Whatmountainbike Magazine Media, Radio, Television
  15. Wiggles Message Board
  16. Wallis Murphey Bfyington
  17. Web'S Most Beautiful
  18. Wide Mouth Bottle Business, Sport, Water
  19. William Meathqbaker Orchestra, Enigma, Baker, Variation
  20. Wayne Morris Band
  21. Wall Mount Bjacket Technology, Manual, Mounting
  22. White Man'S Burden
  23. Williams Companies, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  24. Wayne Mills Band
  25. Whistler Mountain Bike
  26. What Mjuntain Bike
  27. Wmrld of Miniature Bears
  28. William Marrion Branham
  29. Waste Management Board Management, Business & Finance
  30. Wood and Metal Beds
  31. Weapon If Mass Destruction Military, Weapon
  32. Women Mean Business Technology, Ireland, Award
  33. Waste Management Branch
  34. Women'S Missionary Band
  35. World Mission Broadcast Media, Church, Nazarene, Religion
  36. Write Memorr Barrier Technology, Driving, Driver
  37. Wireless Multi Boot
  38. Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia Australia
  39. World Messianic Bible English, Bible, Mark
  40. Write Me Aack Business, Internet Slang, Message
  41. Wireless Mobile Broadband
  42. Williams Companies, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  43. World'S Most Beautiful
  44. Wrilht Music Building
  45. Win Mail Backup Technology, Windows, Software
  46. William Mylar Band Music
  47. Work Metal Buff

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WMB stand for?

    WMB stands for Wiggles Message Board.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wireless Multi Boot?

    The short form of "Wireless Multi Boot" is WMB.


WMB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wmb-meaning/

Last updated