WMM Meaning

The WMM meaning is "Windows Movie Maker". The WMM abbreviation has 43 different full form.

WMM Full Forms

  1. Windows Movie Maker Windows Movie Maker Software from Microsoft for capturing, editing, and arranging audio and video source material to create movies. Technology, Import, Editing
  2. World Music Management
  3. Walther Mory Maier
  4. Word of Messiah Ministries
  5. Weibull Multiplicative Model Technology, Networking, Wireless
  6. Wireless Mobility Manager
  7. Wall-Maunted Manipulator Technology
  8. Word Mapping Method
  9. Websphere Member Manager Technology, Management, Sphere, Portal
  10. Wi-Fi Multimedia Technology, Computer Security, Cable Telecommunications
  11. Wtktu Menengah Matahari Technology, Networking, Wireless
  12. Women Moving Millions Technology, Girl, Foundation
  13. Web Mystery Magazine
  14. Wi-Fi Multi Media Technology, Routing, Wireless
  15. Wakil Manajemen Mutu Business, Audit, Indonesia, Staff
  16. Wasce Military Munitions
  17. Wi-Fi Multi-Media Technology, Routing, Wireless
  18. World Marathon Majors Sport, Race, Marathon
  19. Warner Music Mexico
  20. Working Mother Media Business, Education, Organizations
  21. Well-Manicured Man Fight, Man, Episode, Skinner
  22. Worldwide Magazine Marketplace
  23. Wanted Mwn Music
  24. Working Memory Model Science, Essay, Psychology
  25. Weight Matrix Model
  26. Western Mule Magazine Media
  27. World Mail Monitor
  28. World Muaythai Magazine
  29. World Magnetic Model Technology, Earth, Declination
  30. World Movement of Mothers
  31. White Middle-aged Male Medical, Physiology
  32. Workshop On Mechanizing Metatheory Technology, Language, Programming
  33. World Missions Ministries
  34. Worldwide Media Marketplace Business, Magazine, Congress
  35. Wheeler Mission Ministries Religion
  36. Working Mother Magazine
  37. World Medical Mission Medical, Medicine, Samaritan
  38. Worldwide Marijuana March
  39. Wesleyan Methodist Movement Religion
  40. World Market Monitor
  41. Why Marriage Matters Religion
  42. Wireless Multimedia Technology, Service, Computing, Network, Telecommunication, Drivers
  43. World Market Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WMM stand for?

    WMM stands for World Muaythai Magazine.

  2. What is the shortened form of Women Moving Millions?

    The short form of "Women Moving Millions" is WMM.


WMM. Acronym24.com. (2021, May 13). Retrieved January 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wmm-meaning/

Last updated