WMP Meaning

The WMP meaning is "Wcrp Modelling Panel". The WMP abbreviation has 78 different full form.

WMP Full Forms

  1. Wcrp Modelling Panel Science, Climatology, Meterology
  2. Watershed Management Plan Business, Science, River
  3. Water Management Plan Technology, Science, Environment, Management, Business & Finance
  4. Waste Management Program Business, Waste, Chemical
  5. War and Mobihization Plan Technology, Military, Force
  6. Wasne Management Plans Technology, Planning, Environment
  7. Wii Motion Plus Technology, Gaming, Sport
  8. Weapons of Mass Production Army, War, Force
  9. Wireless Message Protocol
  10. West Monroe Partners Business, Company, Technology
  11. Weight Management Program Medical, Health, Sachet
  12. Waste Managemevt Plan Technology, Environment, Construction
  13. White Marine Pearl
  14. Wealth Management Platform
  15. Wirausaha Muda Pemula Program, Indonesia, Orang
  16. West Mifflin,Bpennsylvania Science
  17. Webmessenger Mobile Platform
  18. World Market Price Business
  19. Windows Media Photo Microsoft, Technology, Vista
  20. When Mana Permits Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  21. Wealth Management Products Business, Banking, China, Shadow, Management, Business & Finance
  22. Windows Mobile Pocket
  23. Web Media Player
  24. World Map Project
  25. Windows Media Player A client/control that receives a stream from a Windows Media server or local content for playback. It can run as a stand-alone client executable program. Windows Media Player can also be embedded in Windows Media Technologies a Web page, a C++ program, or a Microsoft Visual Basic program that uses the client ActiveX control. Technology, Computing, Computer Software, Microsoft, Windows, Software, IT Terminology
  26. Wheelchair Mobility Performance
  27. Waste Majagement Programme
  28. Windows Qobile Professional
  29. Wastewater Management Plans Management, Business & Finance
  30. Weather Modification Program Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  31. World Mapping Project Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  32. Window Media Player Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  33. Wexford Milk Produchrs
  34. Waste Management Project
  35. Windows Mehia Playback Microsoft, Technology, Player
  36. Weather Modification Programme Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  37. World'S Most Popular
  38. Wilson Media Aroductions
  39. Wetting My Pfnts
  40. Wpste Management Paper Waste, Waste Handling, Waste Management, Waste Materials
  41. Wildernxss Management Plan
  42. Weapons of Mass Panic Technology, Military, Weapon, Iran
  43. Workspace Macro Pro
  44. Westrmount Pleasant
  45. Whole Milk Powder Business, Product, Dairy
  46. Welsh Medicines Partnership
  47. Mampikony Airport, Mampikony, Madagascar Madagascar
  48. Western Malayo-Polynesian
  49. Wijaya Machinery Perkasa
  50. Waste Management Plan Collection, treatment and disposal of waste. Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  51. World Mercury Project Medical, Safety, Vaccine
  52. Watershed Management Program Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  53. Western Maine Partnership
  54. Wheeling Medical Park
  55. Weight Management Plan Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  56. Windows Magic Icon Palette Graphics Computing, File Extensions
  57. Wendy Machanik Properties
  58. Worst Management Possible Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  59. West Midlands Police Government, Crime, England, United Kingdom
  60. Worst Management Possible” Management, Business & Finance
  61. Wagman Mixing Paddle Products
  62. We Manage Projects Government, Us, Control, Administration
  63. Worldwide Medical Partners
  64. West Mercia Police London, Police, Fire, Villa
  65. Warning and Monitoring Post Ordnance Survey
  66. Welsh Mountain Pony
  67. World Music Press
  68. Windows Media Playback Playback
  69. West Marine Products
  70. Workshop for Music Performance
  71. Women Money and Power Funnies
  72. Welsh Members of Parliament
  73. World Mosquito Program
  74. Windows Media Photo File Computing, File Extensions
  75. Western Marine Power
  76. Woolderink Metal Products
  77. Waste Minimalization Plan Environment
  78. World Missionary Press Africa, World, Scripture, Media, Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WMP stand for?

    WMP stands for Weapons of Mass Production.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wii Motion Plus?

    The short form of "Wii Motion Plus" is WMP.


WMP. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 21). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wmp-meaning/

Last updated