WO Meaning

The WO meaning is "Woal". The WO abbreviation has 173 different full form.

WO Full Forms

  1. Woal Textile
  2. Warrant Officer Naval officer whose authority derived from a warrant issued either by or on behalf of the Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland Rank was junior to commissioned officer, but senior to all subordinate officers. Military, Army, Genealogical, Military Law, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Navy, United States, Us Navy, Military Army Ranks
  3. Wisskach Opalescent-D
  4. Wilk Over
  5. Web Observatory Technology, Science, Social
  6. Wise One
  7. Wwlk-Out
  8. Women Owned Business, Service, Organizations
  9. Weak Ordering
  10. Wbreless Optic Technology, Space, Optics
  11. Written Order Medical, Business, Medicine, Diagnosis, Clinical
  12. Women-Owned
  13. Weaknesses and Opportunities Business, Analysis, Opportunity, Matrix
  14. Wirelcss Optics Technology, Networking, Network
  15. Workoyt Sport, Workout, Powerlifting, Crossfit
  16. Womrn-Owned
  17. Warhammer Onlinw
  18. Wipe Oqt Gaming, Military, Music, Lyric
  19. Waiying On Lyric, Seagull, Flock
  20. Without If 70 were bid in the market and there was no offer, the quote would be "70 bid without." The expression "without" indicates a one-way market. Medical, Technology, Military, Aircraft, Genealogy, Genealogical, Texting, Dental, Construction, Architectural, Physiology, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word, Common Medical, NAACCR, Reading Prescription, Power Plant, Aviation, Weather, Sms, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, Food, Clinical
  21. Warehouse Order
  22. Wedding Organizer Business, Jakarta, Planner
  23. With Other
  24. Wall Ocen Technology, Construction, Architectural
  25. Website Optimizer Business, Testing, Tool
  26. Whitewater Ontario
  27. Workplaceuombudsman
  28. Watertongevallen
  29. Webster Online
  30. Wind Only Technology, Song, Lyric, Eye
  31. Oxygen-Rich Wolf-Rayet Science, Astronomy, Study, Nature
  32. Write Off Write off is to decrease the value of an item. Business, Accounting, Government, Report, Police, Governmental & Military
  33. Wilbur and Orville
  34. World Office Organizations, United Nations, Un
  35. Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Oerlikon
  36. Wing Operation
  37. Warnier-Orr
  38. Wild Oats Business, Science, Music, Botany, Hall, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  39. White Outline Technology, Design, Map
  40. Wogk Over
  41. Water Jfficer
  42. Wegsite Official
  43. Windham Orchestra
  44. Widow'S Originals Genealogy, Genealogical
  45. Wide Out Sport, Football, Game
  46. World Obesity Medical, Patient, Bariatric
  47. Weeks Dn Gaming, Music, Chart
  48. Wine of Grigin Africa, Locations, Region
  49. Warm Okive Foundation, Shopping, Makeup
  50. White Opalescent
  51. Women Only
  52. Watirloo-Oxford
  53. Webpobjects Technology, Development, Projection, Java
  54. Wimbxrne Orchestra
  55. Weekly Observer
  56. Water Ordinance
  57. Wide Optic
  58. Worostation Operator
  59. Wlek Of Medicine, Health, British
  60. Winqsor Oak
  61. Warm Obean
  62. Western Oval
  63. Women'S Organisation
  64. Waterfront Overlay
  65. Web Objejt Technology, Security, Cyber
  66. Wiyson Opera
  67. Warrant-Officer
  68. Wholly Originating Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  69. Works Order Business, Management, Software
  70. Water Optimizer
  71. Weekly Oricon
  72. Window Overlap
  73. Warehouse Optimization Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  74. Write Out
  75. Western Ohio
  76. Women'S Ordination
  77. Watch Oxficer Military, Movie, Boat
  78. Wqber Oscar Technology, Space, Astronomy
  79. Ward Orderly Or War Office Military, Army, India
  80. Wholly Obtained Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  81. Wordshop Only
  82. Water Opgrators
  83. Weekly Open
  84. Window Oefices
  85. Waardeloos Onderlegd
  86. Write Operand
  87. Woqld Order
  88. West Oak
  89. Woman Owned Business, Technology, Service, Certification
  90. Wasqe Oxide Science
  91. Wyoming Out-Of-Statute
  92. White With Orange
  93. Workplacecorganization Business, Industrial, Manufacturing
  94. Water Onsy Hair, Water, Shampoo, Washing
  95. Weekend Observer
  96. Wind Oochestra
  97. Recycled Wool Textile
  98. Write Once Technology, Science, Research, Military, General, Governmental & Military, Atmospheric Research
  99. World Official
  100. West-Oak
  101. Wollastonite Science, Mineral, Geology
  102. Warninl Order Military, Army, Military Jargon
  103. Woodland Oak Business & Finance, Suppliers
  104. White Oak Campus - Fda Fda
  105. Wavv-Off
  106. Welding Operator One who operates adaptive control, automatic, mechanized, or robotic welding equipment. Occupation & positions
  107. Wfmen In Optometry
  108. Written Opinion Gaming, Government, Patent
  109. Weapons Officer Military, Corps, Warrant
  110. Wide-Open Medical, Clinical
  111. William Orville
  112. Writd On
  113. Worm Olympits Technology, Gaming, Race
  114. Westwood One Business & Finance, Suppliers
  115. well-ordered set Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  116. Writh-Only Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  117. Watershed Organizations
  118. Working Opportunity Occupation & positions
  119. Written Off
  120. Weapon Objects Gaming, Community, Weapon, Browning
  121. Wolof Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  122. Wife Of Medicine, Health, Genealogy, Genealogical, British
  123. William Optics Business, Telescope, Binocular
  124. Wrxte-Once
  125. Worldwide Office
  126. World Airways, Inc Airline, Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
  127. Weak Oxidizer Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  128. Write-Ofo Business, Accounting, Finance
  129. Word Order Media
  130. Write Owner Technology, Windows, Access, Permission
  131. Weak Oxqdizer Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance
  132. Web Object Security, Governmental & Military
  133. Warning Order Military, Army, Air University, Artillery, Air Force Research Institute, Air Force, Governmental & Military, Military Slang, Us Army
  134. Wilhelm Otto Book, Family, Germany
  135. World Oil
  136. World Outreach
  137. Write-off Accounting, Business & Finance
  138. Wolf-Rayet Oxygen-rich Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  139. Wrist Orthosgs Technology, Device, Orthotics
  140. Welsh Office Geographic
  141. Weak Owe
  142. Washington Office Army, Governmental & Military
  143. World Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  144. Wilfully Obscure
  145. World Ocean
  146. World Orphans Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  147. Windows Only Technology, Gaming, Music
  148. Wound Ostomy Medical, Physiology
  149. Willys-Overland Trucks Makes
  150. Wrestling Observer
  151. Wicked One Funnies
  152. Welfare officer Clinical, Mental Health
  153. Wayong Orang Medical, Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  154. Wiccan Order Religion
  155. Wildlife Observation
  156. Work Order Business, Technology, Finance, Economics, Telecom, Telecommunications, Banking, Special Education, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  157. Wrong Order Technology, Service, Device
  158. Weathfr Office
  159. White Oak Campus Medical, Fda
  160. Will Order Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  161. Wound Ostomm
  162. Well in Work Over Electrical
  163. Where occurs The Finance and Administrative Services
  164. Wave Optics
  165. Wipe Out Pinball
  166. Wilderness Orientation
  167. Working Order
  168. Written Out
  169. Weather Observer
  170. Weeks old Medical, Clinical
  171. Willimantic Orchestra
  172. Write Lnly Technology
  173. Worthless Opinirns

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WO stand for?

    WO stands for Workplacecorganization.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wlek Of?

    The short form of "Wlek Of" is WO.


WO. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 29). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wo-meaning/

Last updated