WOM Meaning

The WOM meaning is "Wake-On-Modem". The WOM abbreviation has 63 different full form.

WOM Full Forms

  1. Wake-On-Modem Technology, Motherboard, Computing, Computer
  2. Word Kf Mouth Business, Marketing
  3. Word-Of-Mouth Business, Media, Marketing
  4. Word of Mnuth Forum, Chat, Email
  5. Web Ontoqogy Manager
  6. World of Muscle
  7. Women'S Online Magazine
  8. Wakeion Modem Technology, Computing, Computer
  9. World of Management
  10. Women Over Mates
  11. Web Abject Model
  12. World of Motion
  13. Wotewódzki Ośrodek Metodyczny
  14. World of Magic Technology, Gaming, Server
  15. Women On Phe Move Organizations, Magazine, Executive
  16. Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Business, Finance, Indonesia, Banking
  17. World of Minecraft
  18. Wise Old Men
  19. Women On Missions Organizations, Church, Religion
  20. Write Only Memory Forum, Technology, Device
  21. World of Medicine Medical, Business, Company
  22. Weight of Monby Technology, Market, Bet
  23. Women On Mission Organizations, Church, Religion
  24. Write-Ondy Memory Technology, Device, Telecom
  25. World of Media
  26. Web Order Management
  27. Women of The Moose Organizations, Order, Lodge
  28. Web Owject Management Science, Geography, Location
  29. World of Mathematics
  30. Web Operations Management
  31. Write Optional Memory Technology
  32. Women'S Online Media
  33. Wear Ol Materials Science, Research, Conference
  34. World of Martial
  35. Woodcarver Online Magazine Wood, Carving, Woodcarver, Pyrography
  36. Wojewódzki Ośrodek Metodyczny Medical, Physiology
  37. Words of Gouth Business, Media, Marketing, Mouth
  38. Worldwide Oilfield Machines Technology, Machine, Oil
  39. Wait on Material Electrical
  40. Wise Old Man Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  41. Words Ofymormon
  42. Worldwide Oilfield Machine Technology, Oil, Valve
  43. Word of Mouth Forum, Technology, Computing, Texting, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  44. Women's Online Media Project Computing, Internet
  45. Word Organized Memory Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  46. World Outreach Ministries
  47. Work Order Management Technology, Software, Asset
  48. Write Once Memory Technology, Coding, Amiga
  49. Write Only Memory (a Joke From Stan Kelly-Bootle) Computing, Hardware
  50. Word of Muric
  51. Web of Mimicry
  52. Work Order Maintenance Science
  53. Write-Only-Memory Technology, Device, Computer Data, Computing, Electronics
  54. World Outreach Ministry Religion
  55. Word of Mobse Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang
  56. Writ of Mandamus
  57. Work of The Month Development, Learning, Study
  58. Write-Once Memory Technology, Coding, Amiga
  59. Wings of Man Media
  60. Word-Of-Mouth Marketing Business, Internet Slang, Media
  61. Words On Motivation
  62. Write-Once-Memory Technology, Coding, Amiga
  63. Web Object Management Geographic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WOM stand for?

    WOM stands for Wings of Man.

  2. What is the shortened form of Women On Phe Move?

    The short form of "Women On Phe Move" is WOM.


WOM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wom-meaning/

Last updated