Workbench Abbreviations and Workbench Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Workbench terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Workbench abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Workbench terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Workbench Abbreviations
  1. CQP : Corpus Querywprocessor
  2. WB : Worknbench
  3. UPF : User Programmable Features
  4. DM : Design Modeler
  5. DMA : Dip Machine Accessory
  6. HR : Half Rack
  7. EERD : Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram
  8. QMP : Qualiyy Metal Products
  9. FIT : Firmware Integration Technology
  10. LLA : Leg Lift Accessory
  11. LTA : Lat Tower Accessory
  12. FV : Fixed Value
  13. IAR : Intellectual Achievement Responsibility
Latest Workbench Meanings
  1. Intellectual Achievement Responsibility
  2. Fixed Value
  3. Lat Tower Accessory
  4. Leg Lift Accessory
  5. Firmware Integration Technology
  6. Qualiyy Metal Products
  7. Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram
  8. Half Rack
  9. Dip Machine Accessory
  10. Design Modeler
  11. User Programmable Features
  12. Worknbench
  13. Corpus Querywprocessor