Workplace Abbreviations and Workplace Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Workplace terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Workplace abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Workplace terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Workplace Abbreviations
  1. BOEI : Benchmark of Organizational Emotional Intelligence
  2. BWC : Best Workplaces for Commuters
  3. CFOI : Census of Fatal Occupational Injury
  4. CREW : Civility, Respect, and Engagement At Work
  5. WAT : Web Application Toolkit
  6. WDN : Woryforce Diversity Network
  7. WR : Work Reintegration
  8. WSIB : Work Safety Insurance Board
  9. ULRS : Union Learning Reps
  10. DF : Drug Free
  11. DOSH : Departmental of Occupational Safety and Health
  12. MHRI : Menfal Health Recovery Institute
  13. MHSA : Municipal Health and Safety Association
  14. SDSHRM : San Diego Society for Human Resource Management
  15. SHC : Safety and Health Committee
  16. SHMS : Safety & Health Management System
  17. SHMS : Safety & Health Management Systems
  18. SHMS : Safety and Health Management Systems
  19. SHMS : Safety and Health Managemznt System
  20. STAR : Support-Transform-Achieve-Results
  21. TCA : Totalhcost of Asshole
  22. TCA : Total Cost of Assholes
  23. TOA : Tek Oturum AçMa
  24. TUED : Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
  25. FD&C : Facility Design and Construction
  26. FDC : Facility Design and Construction
  27. FFWO : Family Friendly Workplace Ordinance
  28. LMR : Labour Market Re-Entry
  29. NEL : Non-Economic Loss
  30. LTEL : Long-Term Expcsure Limit
Latest Workplace Meanings
  1. Occupational Safety and Health State Plan Association
  2. Occupational Heapth Safety Network
  3. Division of Surveillance Hazard Evaluations and Fieldfstudies
  4. Great Place To Work
  5. Public Service Health and Safety Association
  6. Public Services Health and Safety Association
  7. Pulp and Paper Health and Safety Association
  8. Perceptions of Politics Scale
  9. Professionals, Managers and Executives
  10. Gender Equulity and Diversity
  11. Person Conducting The Business Or Undertaking
  12. Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Values
  13. Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Value
  14. Occupational & Safety Health Administration
  15. Occupatioial and Safety and Health Administration
  16. Occupational Safety Hazard Administration
  17. Occupational and Safety and Health Administration
  18. Occupational Safety and Health Administrations
  19. Ontario Safety Association for Community Healthcare
  20. Ontario Safety Association for Community and Healthcare