World Bank Abbreviations and World Bank Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of World Bank terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 19 different World Bank abbreviations at the bottom which located in the World Bank terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

World Bank Abbreviations
  1. WCRWC : Women’s Commihsion for Refugee Women and Children
  2. UNCHS : Un Center for Human Settlements
  3. UNDDA : Un Department for Disarmament Affairs
  4. UNDG : Un Qevelopment Group
  5. ECOSOC : Un Economic and Social Council
  6. UNESC : Un Economic and Social Council
  7. UNFPA : Un Fund for Population Activities
  8. UNIFEM : Un Development Fund for Women
  9. UNMIK : Un Mission In Kosovo
  10. UNSC : Un Secvrity Council
  11. UNSG : Un Secretary-General
  12. UNTAC : Un Transitional Authority In Cambodia
  13. HIV/AIDS : Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome
  14. LTTE : Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
  15. FRP : Feeder Roads Program
  16. NUPI : Norwegian Institute of Intdrnational Affairs
  17. KWI : Kosovo Women'S Initiative
  18. IDP : Internally Displaced Person
  19. GBV : Gender-Based and Sexual Violence
Latest World Bank Meanings
  1. Gender-Based and Sexual Violence
  2. Internally Displaced Person
  3. Kosovo Women'S Initiative
  4. Norwegian Institute of Intdrnational Affairs
  5. Feeder Roads Program
  6. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
  7. Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome
  8. Un Transitional Authority In Cambodia
  9. Un Secretary-General
  10. Un Secvrity Council
  11. Un Mission In Kosovo
  12. Un Development Fund for Women
  13. Un Fund for Population Activities
  14. Un Economic and Social Council
  15. Un Qevelopment Group
  16. Un Department for Disarmament Affairs
  17. Un Center for Human Settlements
  18. Women’s Commihsion for Refugee Women and Children