World War Ii Abbreviations and World War Ii Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of World War Ii terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different World War Ii abbreviations at the bottom which located in the World War Ii terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
World War Ii Abbreviations
- AAC : Anti Aircraft Co-Operation
- ABC : Airborne Cigar
- AC : Aircraft
- ACFT : Aircraft
- a/c : Aircraft
- AC1 : Aircraftman First Class
- AC2 : Aircraftman Second Class
- ACDC : Aircrew Despatch Center
- ACDU : Army Co-Operation Development Unit
- AFHQ : Airfield Headquarters
- AHQ : Air Headquarters
- AMES : Air Ministry Experimental Station
- ATAM : Air To Air Missile
- AAP : Air To Air Missile
- AWOL : Absent Without Leave
- AWL : Absent Without Leave
- BDE. : Brigade
- BDE/BDE : Brigade
- BR : Brigade
- BRIG. : Brigade
- BDE : Brigade
- BRIG : Brigade
- BHFU : Bloodhound Firing Unit
- CACF : Coast Artillery Co-Operation Flight
- CACU : Coast Artillery Co-Operation Unit
- CCATS : Command
- COM : Command
- COMD : Command
- C : Command
- CD : Command
Recent Acronyms
Recent Abbreviations
Latest World War Ii Meanings
- School of General Reconnaissance & Air Navigation
- School of Army Co-Operation
- School for Jungle Self Preservation Training
- Raf Association
- Raf Armament Support Unit
- Queen'S Regulations
- Protectorate Communication & Support Unit
- Proof & Experimental Establishment Shoeburyness
- Operational and Refresher Training Unit
- Officers Senior Course Officers
- Observers School of Reconnaissance & Aerial Gunnery
- Malta Communication & Target Towing Flight
- Leading Aircraft Woman
- King'S Regulations
- Electronic Ware Fare Experimental & Training Unit
- Electronic Ware Fare Avionics Unit
- Coast Artillery Co-Operation Unit
- Coast Artillery Co-Operation Flight
- Bloodhound Firing Unit
- Army Co-Operation Development Unit