WORM Meaning

The WORM meaning is "Write Once, Read Many". The WORM abbreviation has 32 different full form.

WORM Full Forms

  1. Write Once, Read Many Computing, Computer Data, Computer Security
  2. Write Once Read Many Technology, Computing, Chat
  3. Write-Once,Read-Many
  4. Write Once Read Memory Technology, Science, Computing
  5. Write-Once Read-Many Technology, Computing, Storage, Disk
  6. Write Once, Read Multiple Technology, Military, Camera
  7. Write-Once, Read-Many Technology, Memory, Storage, Disk, Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Telecom, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  8. Write-Once Ready-Many
  9. Write Only-Read Many
  10. Write-Once Read Many Technology, Memory, Storage, Disk
  11. Write Once-Read Mostly
  12. Write-Once-Read-Many Technology, Telecom, Storage
  13. Write Once, Read Mostly
  14. Write Once Technology, Science, Research, Military, General, Governmental & Military, Atmospheric Research
  15. Write Once-Read Many Technology, Memory, Storage, Disk
  16. Write-Once, Read Many Technology, Memory, Storage, Disk
  17. Write One, Read Multiple
  18. Write Once, Ready Many Technology, Storage, Tape
  19. Write Once Read Multiple Technology, Media, Storage, Disk
  20. Write One Read Many Technology, Computing, Patent, Disk
  21. Write Only, Read Many Technology, Library, Storage, Quiz
  22. Write Only Read Many Technology, Storage, Tape, Recording
  23. Write Once Read-Many Technology, Memory, Storage, Disk
  24. Write Once Read More
  25. Write Once Ready Many Technology, Storage, Tape
  26. Write Once and Read Many Technology, Device, Storage
  27. Write Once/Read Many Military, Army, Defence
  28. Write Once Read Many-Times Technology, Device, Memory, Storage
  29. Write Once, Read Many Times Technology, Energy, Electonics, Media, Computing, Hardware, General, Geographic, Governmental & Military
  30. A Write On Readable Media Media
  31. Write Once, Readable Memory Technology
  32. Wisely Organized Replacing Machine Funnies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WORM stand for?

    WORM stands for Write Once Read More.

  2. What is the shortened form of Write Only, Read Many?

    The short form of "Write Only, Read Many" is WORM.


WORM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/worm-meaning/

Last updated