WOS Meaning

The WOS meaning is "Web Ordering System". The WOS abbreviation has 77 different full form.

WOS Full Forms

  1. Web Ordering System Technology, Military, Internet
  2. Web of Shadows
  3. Wireless Operator Strategies Technology, Strategy, Tablet
  4. Wife Over Shoulder Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  5. Wholly Owned Subsidiary Wholly owned subsidiary is one whose 100% of the stock is owned by the parent company India, Banking, Subsidiary
  6. Windows Operating System
  7. Warriors of Silenfe
  8. Women of Substance
  9. Workshops On Open Systems
  10. Window-On-Science Technology, Research, University
  11. Workplace Outcomes Suite
  12. Wolfson Ornithological Society
  13. Windows Open Services
  14. Warriors of Scandinavia
  15. Women of Strength
  16. Wind of The Spirit
  17. Workshop for Open Systems
  18. Workplace Outcome Suite Business, Employment, Health
  19. Wojskowa Odznaka Strzelecka
  20. Windows On Snapdragon Technology, Yoga, Lenovo
  21. Warrant Officar School
  22. Women of Srebenica
  23. Wiltshire Ornithological Society
  24. Workplace Operating System Technology, Computer, Electronics
  25. Work Orders Military
  26. Window Operations Survey Business, Postal, Us Post
  27. Warrant Ouficers Military, Army, Rank
  28. Women of Spirit
  29. Westiorange Stark
  30. Work Order System Business, Science, Maintenance
  31. Window of Service
  32. Warehouse Operating System Business, Market, Cargo
  33. Women of Science
  34. Web Order System Technology, Product, Internet
  35. Work Order Step
  36. Worship Output Settings
  37. Windows On Science Technology, Research, University
  38. World of Springfield
  39. Women Officer School
  40. Web Operating System Technology, Computing, Projection
  41. Women of The Sun
  42. World of Statistics
  43. Window On Science Technology, Research, University
  44. Workstation Operating System Technology, Computer, Electronics
  45. Wolseley Plc Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  46. World of Sex
  47. World of Sport
  48. Wireless Office System Technology, Networking, Network
  49. Wolseley PLC, American Depositary Receipts Computing, Nyse symbols
  50. Web Offset Section
  51. World of Speed
  52. Wireless Office Service Military
  53. War of Souls Religion
  54. Warp Os
  55. Weather Observing Systems Committee Atmospheric Research
  56. World of Spectrum
  57. Wireless Office Services
  58. Well of Souls Religion
  59. Wizards of Operating Systems
  60. Writing On Sleeve Records, Vinyl, Recording
  61. Washing (Flushing) Oil Supply Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  62. World of Soccer
  63. Wireless & Observers School Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  64. West of Shetland Electrical
  65. Wireless Operators School Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  66. Write-Optimized Store Technology, Database, Column
  67. Whole of Syria United Nations
  68. World of Smiles Organization, Union, Institution
  69. Wings of Steel
  70. World of Stalker Technology, Zone, Cry
  71. Wireless Office Solution Military
  72. WARRANT OFFICER'S STEWARD Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  73. World of Sharing
  74. Wings of Speed
  75. World of Sports
  76. Wireless Office Systems Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  77. Wireless Optimization Service Computing, Telecom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WOS stand for?

    WOS stands for Wings of Steel.

  2. What is the shortened form of World of Soccer?

    The short form of "World of Soccer" is WOS.


WOS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 18, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/wos-meaning/

Last updated