WOSC Meaning

The WOSC meaning is "Warrant Officers Staff Course". The WOSC abbreviation has 19 different full form.

WOSC Full Forms

  1. Warrant Officers Staff Course Management, Military, Army
  2. Western Oklahoma State College Education, School, Oklahoma
  3. Warrant Officer Staff College Army, Force, Marine
  4. Warrant Officer Senior Course Military
  5. Warrant Officer Staff Course Management, Military, Army
  6. World Organization of Systemics and Cybernetics
  7. World Organization On Systemics and Cybernetics
  8. World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics Technology, Science, Society
  9. World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics Technology, Science, Cybernetics, General, Governmental & Military
  10. West Oxfordshire Sailing Club Traffic, Sailing, Dinghy
  11. West Ouachita Senior Center
  12. West Ottawa Swim Club
  13. West of Scotland Coronary
  14. World Online Song Contest
  15. Western Oregon State College
  16. World Ocean Science Congress Organizations, Conference, Affair
  17. Washington Outpatient Surgery Center
  18. Workshop On Stencil Computations
  19. Washington Oregon State College Science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WOSC stand for?

    WOSC stands for Western Oregon State College.

  2. What is the shortened form of Western Oregon State College?

    The short form of "Western Oregon State College" is WOSC.


WOSC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 18, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/wosc-meaning/

Last updated