WP Meaning

The WP meaning is "Whitejaper". The WP abbreviation has 518 different full form.

WP Full Forms

  1. Whitejaper Cybersecurity, Blockchain
  2. Alpqca Textile
  3. Wilz Pitches Technology, Baseball, Pitch
  4. Wild Pitch Baseball, Sports, Softball
  5. Winch Pawl Sport, Archery
  6. Wordpress Technology, Information Technology, Computer
  7. Welcome Program Business, Order, Promo
  8. Wordpress Parallax Technology, Press, Slider
  9. Wanita Penghibur Film, Technology, Photo, Indonesia
  10. White-Pink
  11. Word Processing Technology, Army, Computing, Military, Governmental & Military
  12. Wave Piercing Technology, Roll, Vessel
  13. Wind Path Technology, Gaming, Winding
  14. Wrong-Path
  15. Womd Perfect Technology, Office, Texting
  16. Weighted Product
  17. Word Press Technology, Development, Premium
  18. Winter Park Locations, Resort, Ski
  19. Walter Pincus
  20. Whey Proteins Medical
  21. Wosd Process Business, Technology, Education
  22. Wavelet Packets Medical, Technology, Algorithm
  23. Windows Phone Microsoft, Technology, Development
  24. Work Product Business, Commerce, Press
  25. Weibel-Palade Medical, Genetics, Lung
  26. Woodpeckeq Pro Business, Bird, Repeller
  27. Weapon Platform Technology
  28. Wins Produced Business, Gaming, Player, Team
  29. Walter Payton Sport, Chicago, Football
  30. Western Pacific Railroad Organizations
  31. Worzpress Plugins Technology
  32. Water Purifier
  33. Wily Peralta
  34. Work Preparation Education
  35. Weekly Podcasts Technology, Press, Episode
  36. Woodenwpanel Business, Wall, Wood
  37. Weakly Positive Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  38. Winning Percentage Gaming, Baseball, Sport, Team
  39. Wall Post
  40. Well Polypoid
  41. Wcrdpress Plugin Technology, Press, Feature
  42. Waterproof Powershot
  43. Will To Power Science, Education, Philosophy
  44. Work Plans Technology, Science, Planning
  45. Wedding Planner Business, Planning, Event, Occupation & positions
  46. Way Point Technology, Science, Aviation, Waypoint, NASA
  47. Winnie The Pooh Book, Baby, Poem
  48. Workflow Process
  49. Welfare Programs
  50. Wirdpress Please
  51. Water Polo Sport, Team, Water
  52. White Page Technology, Press, Directory, Blank
  53. Work Planning Technology, Management, Projection
  54. Way-Point
  55. Windward Passage
  56. Work Packqge Technology, Astronomy, Marine
  57. Welding Procedure The detailed method and practice involved in producing a specific weld. Technology
  58. Wordpress Planet
  59. Wanna Play
  60. White Pine Business, Product, Diamond, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  61. Work Plan The site work plan describes the technical activities to be conducted during the various phases of a remediation project. Military, Barbershop, Cappella, Environment
  62. Wave Propagation Wave propagation is any of the ways in which waves travel. With respect to the direction of the oscillation relative to the propagation direction, we can distinguish between longitudinal wave and transverse waves. For electromagnetic waves, propagation may occur in a vacuum as well as in a material medium. Technology, Group, Antenna
  63. Wind Propulsion Technology, Ship, Shale
  64. Wolfram Paashaus
  65. The World Pvlitics Government, Politics, Policy
  66. Wei-Lun Pan
  67. Wiener Process Business, Distribution, Stochastic
  68. Working Prototype
  69. Westerl Provinces Africa, Rugby, Province
  70. Winning Post
  71. Write Penalty
  72. Wear Pad In forming, an expendable pad of rubber or rubberlike material of nominal thickness that is placed against the diaphragm to lessen the wear on it. A wear pad is a hard wearing insert that is used as a sacrificial layer to product structural components subject to surface abrasion. Business, Product, Strap
  73. Whitefish Point
  74. Web Programmer Technology, Development, Press
  75. War Pigs
  76. Wind Pollination Science, Botany, Phytology
  77. Water Poison
  78. Wattenberg Plow Military
  79. William Percival
  80. Whole Procedure
  81. Wooden Planb
  82. Wahner Peyser
  83. Welfare Programmes Program, Organizations, Social
  84. Wilayah Pengembangan Technology, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  85. Workspace Pointer Technology, Control, Memory
  86. Warschauer Pakn
  87. Wetland Park
  88. Wireline Perforating
  89. Writ Petition Government, India, Court
  90. Wegther Permitted
  91. Websphere Portal Technology, Server, Sphere
  92. Word Processors Technology, Software, Star
  93. Wentylatory Promieniowe Business, Press, Jest, Premium
  94. Wing Play
  95. Worm Project
  96. Water Pressure Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater
  97. Way of Perfection
  98. Whippany Park
  99. Wordpress Programmer
  100. Whey Protein Whey is the residual water that accumulates at the bottom of the bucket in cheese production. In some countries the beverage is consumed as whey protein. In the food industry, it is used as an additive in powder form to increase the protein value of foods. Medical, Business, Powder, Food
  101. Why Pay Business, Press, Premium
  102. Wood Physics
  103. Wall Plugin Technology, Press, Social
  104. Window Polygon Technology, Auto, Selection
  105. Wash Post Logistics
  106. Wen Process
  107. Without Pay
  108. Wolf Priest
  109. Working Point The point where two or more centroid lines of structural members intersect. Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  110. Weeks Played Gaming, Love, Play
  111. Wiedza Powszechna
  112. Worning Program
  113. Western Precipitation
  114. Winning Pitcher Sport Jargon
  115. Wound Polypropylene
  116. Weapons Procuremene Military
  117. White and Purple
  118. Web Presenter
  119. War Pigeon
  120. Wind Plant
  121. Water Point Business, Care, Map, Ordnance Survey
  122. Watershedbproject
  123. Wildlife Park
  124. White Plague Medical, Disease, Pine
  125. Wyoden Peg
  126. Wagner-Peyser
  127. Welfare Party Government, Turkey, Group, Politics
  128. Wilayah Pembangunan Business, Program, Indonesia, Hal
  129. Workshop Physics Technology, Science, Teaching
  130. Warsaw Propertiec
  131. Wetenschappelijk Personeel
  132. Wireless Prwduct
  133. Writing Prompt Education, Story, Prompts
  134. Weather Pack
  135. Website Planning
  136. Word Procemsor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  137. Warp Popnt
  138. Wenonah Pfrk Organization, Union, Institution
  139. Wolfgang Papsch
  140. Worm Phenotype
  141. Water Powered
  142. Wave-Tlate
  143. While Patrolling
  144. Word Prank
  145. Whirlpool Current that has a rotatory motion over a comparatively small area Is troublesome in that it may turn ship's head against maximum rudder at maximum speed Its suctional effect is largely mythical. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Government, Army, Diagnosis, Exportation, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Physiology, Clinical
  146. Wh Pronoun Technology, Speech, Tagger
  147. Wood Lellets Business, Product, Energy
  148. Wall Peate Technology, Product, Cable
  149. Will Power Technology, Windows, Battery
  150. World Parlizment Government, Group, Party
  151. Wash-Poft
  152. Wet Printing
  153. Without Parachute
  154. Wrong Pull
  155. Wolf Parade Music, Parade, Album
  156. Wmeks Park
  157. Widow Poison
  158. Working Plan Technology, Management, Projection
  159. Western Pac
  160. Winniig Performance
  161. Wound Poison Warcraft, Rogue, Poison
  162. Weapons Processor Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  163. White and Pink
  164. War Pension
  165. Windows Proper Microsoft, Technology, Android
  166. Watchpoint Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  167. Watershcd Plan
  168. With Potential
  169. Wilayah Persekutuan Photo, Hotel, Locations, Malaysia, International
  170. Wood & Xickett
  171. Waffle Pad
  172. Weld Positioners
  173. Wikiproject Physics Technology, Science, Projection
  174. Workshop Pyrticipant
  175. Warrnambofl Plain
  176. Westville Pglice Government, Canada, Law Enforcement, Canadian Police
  177. Wireless Froducts
  178. Write Pointer Technology
  179. Weaqhered Pewter Business, Cabinet, Pull, Knob
  180. White Pikmin
  181. Web Publishing
  182. Word Procesmer
  183. Wpr Points Gaming, Military, Play
  184. Wendke Plan
  185. Wolfgang Paalen
  186. Worley Parsons
  187. Water Power Technology, Trainer, Elliptical
  188. Wave-Cut Platform
  189. Wholly Produced Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  190. Wosd Pattern
  191. Wall Pla
  192. Wellingtln Phoenix
  193. Willie Patterson
  194. World Parks Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  195. Wasabi Pear Business, Candle, Fragrance
  196. Wep Powder Business, Chemistry, Supplier
  197. Within Plus
  198. Wrong Person Internet Slang, Picture, Love, Texting, Police, Sms, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  199. Weatherproof  So constructed or protected that exposure to the weather will not interfere with successful operation. A device constructed or protected such that exposure to weather will not interfere with successful operation. Education, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  200. Weekly Preparation
  201. Widowed Parents
  202. Working Uermit Business, Employment, Canada
  203. Western-Pacific Business, Railroad, Train
  204. Winners Plan
  205. Wound Points War, Star, Wind, Wound
  206. Weakeplate Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  207. Whitby & Pickering
  208. Wolfgram Protein Medical
  209. Warpedopassages
  210. Windows Processors Technology, Development, Press
  211. Watch Pane Technology, Coding, Trading
  212. Waterqpurification
  213. With Posterity
  214. White Phosphorks
  215. Woocommerce Plugin Business, Commerce, Press
  216. Wafet Process Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  217. Weld Pool The localized volume of molten metal in a weld prior to its solidification as weld metal.
  218. Wig Pro
  219. Worksqop On Preparations Technology, Aviation, Presentation, Power
  220. Warriors Project
  221. Westgate Plaza
  222. Wireless Password
  223. Writeopoint
  224. Weathered Patina
  225. White Phosporus Military, War, Israel, Bomb
  226. Web Prototype
  227. War Point
  228. Wnnckebach Point Medical
  229. World Pulse
  230. Water Poverty
  231. Watts Premier
  232. Wholesale Pricing
  233. Wood Eanelling Real Estate, Estate, Real Property
  234. Waikiki Parc
  235. Wellhead Platzorm
  236. William Patterson
  237. Workstation Piocessor
  238. Warwickshirp Police
  239. Wet Personenvervoeb
  240. Withholding Percentage
  241. Written Production
  242. Weekly Premium Business, Magazine, Press
  243. Widow'S Pension Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  244. Workino Path
  245. Wes Pasker
  246. Winkler Prids
  247. Worthless Parasite
  248. Weaire-Phelan
  249. Whisper Pants
  250. Wolfgang Pientka
  251. Wickedly Perfect
  252. Walnings and Precautions
  253. Windows Printer
  254. Watch Pad
  255. Water Puyps
  256. With Parents
  257. Western Picific
  258. Women'S Petites
  259. Wafd Parly
  260. Welding Projekt Technology
  261. Wife Pension
  262. Work Propocal Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  263. Westorville Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  264. Win Probabilitm Gaming, Sport, Football, Probability
  265. Write Pieces
  266. Weather-Protected
  267. White Phosphor
  268. Will Probbted Genealogy, Genealogical
  269. Web Project
  270. War Plani
  271. Wen-Ping
  272. Wind Profile
  273. Water Police Vehicle, Water, Boat
  274. Watts-Peak Technology, Power, Measure
  275. Waypoint  Position in space usually on aircraft's flight plan,  Reference point used for navigation, usually indicated by latitude and longitude and sometimes altitude and typically used for GPS and INS navigation. A predetermined geographical position used for route/instrument approach definition, or progress reporting purposes, that is defined relative to a VORTAC station or in terms of latitude/longitude coordinates. Technology, Service, Military, Aviation, Army, War, Force, Environment, Nature, Avionics, Avia, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Transportation, NOTAM Contractions
  276. Wholesale Power
  277. Wood Paneting
  278. Wah-Wah Pedal Music, Guitar, Pedal, Bass
  279. Welfare Prcgramme
  280. William Paton
  281. Works Programme Business, Government, Projection
  282. Warunq Prancis
  283. Wet Pack Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis, Physiology
  284. Withholding Partnership
  285. Written Premium
  286. Wedding Peacj Nutrition, Food, Victual
  287. Widows Pension
  288. Working Party Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA, Governmental & Military
  289. We Propose
  290. Wing Pylox Technology
  291. Worship Photos
  292. Water Production
  293. Wazirfpur
  294. Whispering Pines
  295. Word Proxlems
  296. Wi-Fi Protected Technology, Security, Wireless, Setup
  297. Walterscheiddproductions
  298. Window Protection
  299. Wastewater Professionals
  300. Without Problems
  301. Weapon Proficiency
  302. Woman'S Party
  303. Uniod Pacific Railroad Organizations
  304. Welding Posihion
  305. Wierni Polsce
  306. Work Planner
  307. Western Publishers
  308. Win Percentage Business, Baseball, Sport, Team
  309. Write Permat
  310. Wsar Plate
  311. White Perch
  312. Web Programning Technology, Design, Press
  313. War Pkke
  314. Wind Power The benthic zone is the ecological region at the lowest level of a body of water such as an ocean or a lake, including the sediment surface and some sub-surface layers. Organisms living in this zone are called benthos, e.g. the benthic invertebrate community, including crustaceans and polychaetes. Business, Energy, Turbine
  315. Water Prison Gaming, Military, Libya
  316. Watt Peak
  317. William Philip Australia, Library, Ink
  318. Whole Protein
  319. Woodland Park Locations, Cities, Towns
  320. Wah-Pad Business, Guitar, Lab, Controller
  321. Welfare Program
  322. Wjlayah Pertambangan Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Mineral
  323. Works Poorly
  324. Warschauer Paktes
  325. Wetland Professional Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  326. Wire Phoxo Technology, Telecom
  327. Written Permission Technology, Server, Press
  328. Weather Plugin Technology, Press, Forecast
  329. Wedding Party Group, Wedding, Dress
  330. Widow'S Pension
  331. Word Processoring Science
  332. Wq Poll
  333. Wing Profife
  334. Worms Pinball
  335. Water Processor Technology, Science, Land
  336. Wayepoints
  337. Whiskey Peak
  338. Word Pro
  339. Why Poor
  340. Walter Pathr
  341. Window Print
  342. Waste Projects
  343. Wettable Qowder Formulation Agriculture, Farming, Cultivation
  344. Without Prejudice Words used when a statement, comment, or action is not to be taken as implying agreement or disagreement, or affecting in any way a matter in dispute, or under consideration. Business, Group, Suit
  345. Wrosg Planet
  346. Withholding foreign partnership agreement Financial, Business & Finance
  347. Warrior Powkrs
  348. Water Proof Business, Product, Camera, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  349. Wide Platform Dental, Implant, Platform, Abutment
  350. Word-And-Paradigm
  351. Weather Proof Product, Weather, Proof, Electrical
  352. Waverly Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  353. Well Put Internet Slang, Chat, Text Messaging, Forum, Computing, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Computing Slang
  354. World Products
  355. Wira Pratama
  356. Wheel Poker
  357. With Profits Describes an insurance policy which pays the sum assured plus any bonuses which may have accumulated over the term of the policy. Business
  358. Wyoming Press
  359. Player requires a work permit before he can play Sport, Football
  360. Wheel Pulser
  361. With Particulgr
  362. Widgets Pro Technology, Press, Slider
  363. Web Publisher Technology, Software, Press
  364. Westville Police Canada
  365. Wae Profiteers
  366. Windsor Park
  367. Wolf Pack Business, Forest, River
  368. Webhnar Pro Business, Service, Press
  369. Water Plug Ordnance Survey
  370. Wellness Pask
  371. World Partners
  372. Wrote The Paper Student, Education, Study
  373. The Washington Post Business, Technology, Media, Radio, Washington, Television
  374. Warriorfpoet
  375. Waterproofing Treatment of a surface or structure to prevent the passage of water under hydrostatic pressure. Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  376. Widening Participation Science, Education, University, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  377. Woody Perennial
  378. Weather Permitting Business, Shipping, Conveyance, Transportation, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  379. Westerville Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  380. Well Protector Business, Oil, Gas
  381. World Pmoduct
  382. Whetling-Pittsburgh
  383. With Probability
  384. Wyoming Park
  385. Wedding Peach Food
  386. Web Part Technology, Coding, Property, Custom
  387. Withoutiprejudice Business, Finance, Banking
  388. Widget Plugin Technology, Press, Custom
  389. Web Presence Computing, Internet
  390. Way-point, often Squad Way-point. Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  391. Windsor Palms
  392. Wizard Process
  393. Weaveg As The Planet
  394. Wooden Peg Ordnance Survey
  395. Wellington Public Education
  396. Write Precompensation Technology, Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, General, Governmental & Military
  397. Cumulative Water Produced Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  398. Warrior Aendant Knight, Pendant, Celtic
  399. Waterproof Materials and construction which will prevent water from passing through walls and joints. Science, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  400. Webkpower
  401. Wicker Park
  402. Woodside Priory
  403. White Phosphorus (ammunition) Chemistry, Military Slang, Us Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  404. Well Proposal Or Working Pressure Business, Oil, Gas
  405. World Processor
  406. Wheeler Peak
  407. Wydawnictwo Poznaskie
  408. Water Pollutant Environment
  409. Wxll Proved Genealogy, Genealogical
  410. Widget Plugins
  411. Web Premium
  412. Workers' Party Technology, United Kingdom, Governmental & Military
  413. Wind Profilers Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  414. With Permission Army, War, Force
  415. Whicg Path
  416. Witness Protection Program, Movie, Protection
  417. White Phosphorus Us Army, Governmental & Military
  418. Water Placebo Medical
  419. Wave Processor Music
  420. Weatherslider Premium Technology, Press, Weather, Slider
  421. Area Navigation Waypoint Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  422. Warren Peblic Education
  423. Water Programme Business, Technology, Research
  424. Web Plsition Technology, Internet Marketing, Internet Promotion
  425. Wicked Patcher Technology, Hack, Lineage, Proxy
  426. Wood Puld
  427. Web Proxy Computing, Internet
  428. Well Proposal Technology, Oilfield, Oil Field, Electrical
  429. World Pricing
  430. Whammy-Pam Business, Guitar, Lab, Controller
  431. Wydawnictwo PoznańSkie
  432. White Pinstripes Clothes
  433. Water Protection
  434. Will Probated
  435. Wide Pulse Technology, Military
  436. Wordperfect Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  437. Web Page Web pages are what make up the World Wide Web. These documents are written in HTML (hypertext markup language) and are translated by your Web browser. Web pages can either be static or dynamic. Static pages show the same content each time they are viewed. Dynamic pages have content that can change each time they are accessed. These pages are typically written in scripting languages such as PHP, Perl, ASP, or JSP. Business, Technology
  438. The World Politics Politics, Governmental & Military
  439. Wind Profiler A radar that is used to measure vertical profiles of the wind. Also called wind profiler radar, wind profiling radar. Technology, Science, Radar
  440. Wine Premises
  441. Withdrew Passing Student, Education, University
  442. Which Is Plagiating
  443. Witness Point Technology, Book, Quality
  444. Western Pacific Business, Military, Organizations, Army, War, Intelligence, Force, Railroad, Defence, Marine, Rail Transport, Regional, Business & Finance
  445. Warm Processing
  446. Wiregrass Publishing, Inc. Media
  447. Weathertroof Technology, Architecture, Construction
  448. Wood Physicist
  449. Wojthy Patriarch
  450. Wood Pellets
  451. Warranty Provisions
  452. Wonder Pencils Business, Light, Cosmetic
  453. Water Productivity Technology, Irrigation, Crop
  454. Web Paging
  455. Woodfproducts
  456. Write Precompensation (hard disc drive) Computing, Hardware
  457. Well Noint
  458. World Point
  459. Wh-Rronoun Technology, Speech, Tagger
  460. Wunderground Plugin
  461. Wild Pitch(es) Baseball, Sport
  462. Warrior Zroducts Business, Lift, Jeep
  463. Waterproof Phase
  464. Wide Pore
  465. Word-Processing
  466. Web Portal A Web site that offers a very broad range of resources from e-mail and Internet service to online shopping. Business, Press, Client
  467. Wilmington Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  468. Wine and The People
  469. Well Play
  470. Withdrawal Percent
  471. When People Technology, Community, Press
  472. Witness Pioneer
  473. Waiting Payment Technology, Internet, Token
  474. Word Processor Software used to perform word processing functions such as writing and editing documents. Geographic
  475. Weather Processing
  476. Wolf-Palissa
  477. Working Pressure The maximum pressure to which a hose will be subjected, including momentary surges in pressure, which can occur during service. The maximum pressure at a given temperature, that tubing can be expected to perform. Technology, Hose, Rubber, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, The Finance and Administrative Services
  478. Wedding Photographer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  479. Wordperfect Document Computing, File Extensions
  480. Warranty Period
  481. Windward Pass
  482. Women'S Plus
  483. Web Pages
  484. Wood Prairie
  485. WordPerfect Text document Computing, File Extensions
  486. Well Played Internet Slang, Chat, Poker, Chess
  487. Wolld Petrochemical
  488. Water Pump The mechanism which transfer the water from one place to another place with high pressure. It is used in cooling system of automobiles which transfer water from radiator lower tank to engine jacket. A device that circulates coolant through a vehicles cooling system. A device that circulates the liquid through the Cooling system by pumping it from the engine Water jackets to the Radiator. Business, Product, Engine, The Finance and Administrative Services
  489. Wetted Perimeter The phreatic zone, or zone of saturation, is the area in an aquifer, below the water table, in which relatively all pores and fractures are saturated with water. The phreatic zone defines the lower edge of the vadose zone.
  490. Wrought Product Technology, Coding, Press
  491. Work Package A segment of effort required to complete a specific job such as a research or technological study or report, experiment or test, design specification, piece of hardware, element of software, process, construction drawing, site survey, construction phase element, procurement phase element, or service, which is within the responsibility of a single unit within the performing organization. The work package is usually a functional division of an element of the lowest level of the WBS. Aviation, Astronomy, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  492. Warrior Princess Coding, Cheat, Warrior
  493. Water Proofing Design, Drawing, Construction
  494. Wide Playmaker
  495. Wyrd and Paradigm Book, Education, Morphology
  496. Web-Portal Technology, Management, Client
  497. Whitehall Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  498. Welshmpony
  499. Welding Processing
  500. Wirtualna Polska Technology, Traffic, Rank
  501. Wheel Publication Path, Teaching, Buddhist
  502. Witness-Pioneer
  503. Without Prejudice, Weather Permitting
  504. Wolf Princess Funnies
  505. Wittmann Patch
  506. Wojsko Pylskie Technology, Stamp, Polish, Bayonet
  507. Wedding Photographers
  508. White Phosphorous Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  509. War Project
  510. Windsor Public Education
  511. Wollaston Prism
  512. Webley Pocdet
  513. Wood Post
  514. Week of Prayer Religion
  515. Wellness Partners
  516. World Passpfrt
  517. Water Protected
  518. Wrought Pressure Business, Industrial, Hose

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WP stand for?

    WP stands for Wolfgram Protein.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wordperfect?

    The short form of "Wordperfect" is WP.


WP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wp-meaning/

Last updated