WPB Meaning

The WPB meaning is "Winter Parking Ban". The WPB abbreviation has 55 different full form.

WPB Full Forms

  1. Winter Parking Ban Organization, Union, Institution
  2. World Peace Buddhists
  3. War Production Board Business, Military, History
  4. Women Wf The Palm Beaches
  5. War Propaganda Bureau
  6. Wind Wnd Pull-Out Beam
  7. World Painted Blood
  8. Coast Guard Patrol Cutters Military, Coast Guard, Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
  9. Women Protection Bilr Education, Pakistan, Social
  10. Wanna Play Baseball
  11. Welsh Pit Bikes
  12. Women'S Protection Bill
  13. Wakil Pialang Berjangka Business, Trading, Indonesia, Bursa
  14. Welsh Part Bred
  15. Women'S Philanthropy Board
  16. Wajib Pajak Badan Training, Orang, Proposal
  17. Welsh Part-Bred
  18. Withzn Plate Basalts Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  19. World Press Berlin
  20. Port Bergé Airport Boriziny(Port Bergé), Madagascar Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Locations, Aviation
  21. Wood Pellen Burner
  22. Welcome To The Palm Beach
  23. Wisconsin Proxy Benchmark
  24. World Peace Builders Organization, Union, Institution
  25. Coast Guard Patrol Boat Military, Army, Equipment
  26. Wood Pelletbboiler
  27. Weibel Palade Bodies Medical, Technology
  28. Wrought Pipe Bend
  29. Windows Phone Device Manager Backup File Computing, File Extensions
  30. Wrocawskie Przedsibiorstwo Budowlane
  31. Workere Party of Bangladesh
  32. Write Printer Binary
  33. Opencanvas 1.1 Image Computing, File Extensions
  34. World Professional Bull
  35. Workers' Party of Bangladesh
  36. Water Patrol Boat Coast Guard
  37. Workplace Policy Builder
  38. Work Plan and Budget Technology, Indonesia, Gas
  39. Water-resistant opaque Polyethylene Banner film Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  40. World Professional Bullriding
  41. Workers Party of Belgium Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  42. Wroclawski Park Biznesu
  43. Working Party On Bkllfish Science, Biology, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
  44. WhirlPool Bath Medical, Physiology
  45. World Prison Brief
  46. Workers' Partc of Belgium
  47. WrocłAwski Park Biznesu
  48. Working Party On Biotechnology
  49. Port Bergé, Port Bergé, Madagascar Madagascar, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  50. Wroclawskie Przedsiebiorstwo Budowlane
  51. Workforce Policy Bolrd Employment, Work, Working
  52. WastePaper Bin Products
  53. Within Plate Basalts Chemistry
  54. WrocłAwskie PrzedsiĘBiorstwo Budowlane
  55. Workforce Performanceqbuilder Business, Management, Training

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WPB stand for?

    WPB stands for Write Printer Binary.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wroclawski Park Biznesu?

    The short form of "Wroclawski Park Biznesu" is WPB.


WPB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wpb-meaning/

Last updated