WR Meaning

The WR meaning is "Wide Receiver". The WR abbreviation has 368 different full form.

WR Full Forms

  1. Wide Receiver Sport, Football, American Football
  2. World Record Sports, Athletics, Record
  3. Weighted Rating
  4. Wibe Rope Technology, Construction, Architectural
  5. Whits River
  6. World Rugby Sport
  7. Western Romance Book, Movie, Deal, Romance
  8. Walloon Region
  9. Wildcard Gound Sport, Football, Fantasy
  10. Wehrmacht Rundfunk
  11. Wireless Routlrs Technology, Routing, Networking
  12. Wide Ratio Motorcycle, Yamaha, Ratio
  13. Western Resources Business, Company, Energy
  14. Wallace Report
  15. Wiki Recent
  16. Water-Resistant Technology, Construction, Architectural
  17. Wyreless Router Technology, Networking, Connection
  18. Western Range Military, Army, Corps, Technology, Astronomy, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  19. Write Tue Receive
  20. Wide Receivers Sport, Football, Fantasy, Receiver
  21. Wainhouse Research Business, Service, Conferencing
  22. Watch Rock
  23. Wireless Relay
  24. Western Railway Group, Railway, Mumbai
  25. Write Registers
  26. White Rust A coating metal oxide, such as zinc oxide, which develops when the oxygen in the atmosphere and moisture mixes with the coating material. Technology, Product, Fabric
  27. Wage Rudolf Indonesia, Museum, Surabaya, Wage
  28. Waste Receptacle Technology, Construction, Architectural
  29. Wildgride
  30. Westar Energy, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  31. Write A Review
  32. Whitesrose Business, University, Studentship
  33. Waffle Raft Technology, Construction, Architectural
  34. WestfäLische Rundschau Android, Sind, Region
  35. Wassermann Reaction Medical, Technology, Medicine
  36. Wildlize Research
  37. Weight Ratio Weight, Motorcycle, Yamaha
  38. Wistarcrat Medical
  39. Whitn Rock Medical
  40. War Risk Insurance coverage for loss of goods resulting from any act of war. Business, Insurance, Finance, Banking, Freight
  41. Western Russia
  42. Wassermann-Reaktion The Wassermann test or Wassermann reaction (WR) is an antibody test for syphilis, named after the bacteriologist August Paul von Wassermann, based on complement fixation. It was the first blood test for syphilis and the first in the nontreponemal test (NTT) category.
  43. Wyldlife Refuge Locations, National, Longhorn
  44. Withdrawn and Replaced Technology, Telecom
  45. Wasserman Reaction Clinical
  46. Wholj Round Business, Product, Fish, Seafood
  47. World Race
  48. Weather Radar Generally any radar that is suitable or can be used for the detection of precipitation or clouds. Technology, Service, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  49. Willis Reed
  50. Wajib Retribosi Business, Indonesia, Orang, Modal
  51. Wetland Resource
  52. Whitefield Mising
  53. Wheel Rakes
  54. Wolf Rayet Science, Star, Bubble
  55. Watek Reducer
  56. Wildlife Reserve Park, Locations, Resort
  57. Worms Reinforcements
  58. Written Representations Group, Planning, Council, Representation
  59. Weekend Reading
  60. Wind Run The distance or length of flow of the air past a point during a given interval of time. Gaming, Wind, Weather
  61. Ward Rounu
  62. Warriors Realm Australia, Fight, Warrior
  63. White Refeience
  64. Wavelength Registration
  65. William Ritchhe
  66. Radiation Weighting Factor Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
  67. Well-Rgsted
  68. Wendi Richter
  69. Wire Reel
  70. Word Recognition Education, Learning, Reading
  71. Water Resistance Technology, City, Camera
  72. Written Reply
  73. Wegman Report
  74. Win Rate Business, Gaming, Player
  75. Wistar Medical
  76. Wasser-Rand
  77. Whole Rjom
  78. Workshop Reports
  79. Wavy Ribbon Business, Cutter, Fry
  80. William Rotsler
  81. Waiver Request
  82. Wetenschappelijke Raad
  83. Wheat Ridge
  84. Wolfgang Romey
  85. Water Reactive A material that will react upon contact with water under normal ambient conditions. Includes materials that react violently with water and other materials that react slower but can generate heat or gases that can result in elevated pressure if contained.
  86. Wildlife Removdl
  87. World Rankings
  88. Writing Revolution Writing, Orang, Labeling
  89. Wedge Room
  90. Wind Rose A flower-like diagram indicating the relative frequencies of different wind directions for a given station and period of time. A diagram on a pilot chart consisting of a circle from which 8 or 16 lines emenate, one for each compass point wherein the length of each line is proportional to the frequency of wind from that direction,and the percentage of calms is entered at its center.
  91. Ward Room General mess room and meeting place.
  92. Warrior'S Realm
  93. White Qex Marketing, Analytics, Statistics, Rex
  94. Waveguide, Rectangular Technology, Military, Waveguide
  95. Willigm Riley Sport, Europe, Racing
  96. Osmre Westery Region Program, Government, Organizations, Us
  97. Weldzng Rod
  98. Weltee Racing Car, Man, Racing
  99. Word Reading
  100. Watea Research Science, Organizations, Environment
  101. Wild River
  102. Writing Requirement College, Education, Course
  103. Weekly Reports
  104. Winkhart, Rambacher
  105. Warhead Reliabqlity Technology
  106. Wissenschaftlicher Rat
  107. Wash Room
  108. Wtole Rest Bass, Chord, Lick
  109. Work Rounds
  110. Wave Resistance
  111. William Ross
  112. Waivpr Requests
  113. Westerp Rivers
  114. Working Receiver Science
  115. Wheuther Resistant
  116. Wolfgang Rolke
  117. Watar Rats
  118. Wildlifl Rehab
  119. World Rank Sport, Team, World, Ranking
  120. Weather Reconnaissance The making of detailed weather observations or investigations from aircraft in flight.
  121. Will Ray
  122. Wand Ritchie
  123. War Reserves Military, Army, War
  124. White Rod
  125. Waveform Relaxation Technology, Circuit, Simulation
  126. William Richardson Business, Sport, Football, Mark
  127. William Russell
  128. Welding Robot
  129. Welsh Rekiew
  130. Word Read Education, Programming, Reading
  131. Water Repellency
  132. Wild Riders
  133. Wrecb-It Ralph Movie, Internet, Wreck, Trailer
  134. Weekly Registrr
  135. Wine Red Business, Technology, Guitar, Colors
  136. Ware River Rr Network, Railway, System
  137. Wartburg Rallye Technology, Crash, Engine
  138. Whole Response Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  139. Work Requirement
  140. Wave Ratio
  141. William Rogers Business, Company, History, Antique
  142. Wape Robinson
  143. Western Rity
  144. Wisconsin River
  145. Workers Review
  146. Wolf'S Rain
  147. Water Raw Army, War, Force
  148. Wilderness Reflections
  149. World Range
  150. Weather Receiver Technology, Radio, Midland
  151. Willow Run School, Plant, Willow
  152. Wwrd Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  153. Wet Runiay Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  154. War Report
  155. Wwite Rattan
  156. Watson-Reid
  157. Williim Reginald
  158. William Robswn
  159. Welsh Regional
  160. Work Rate Medical, Science, Exercise
  161. Watnr Reed
  162. Wild Rice
  163. Wreath Science
  164. Warehouse Receipts Business, English, Banking
  165. Weekly Recill
  166. Windsor Report
  167. Ware River
  168. War Rock Computer Game, Video Game
  169. White Retired
  170. Work Requests
  171. Wave Radio
  172. William Robert Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  173. Waderredden
  174. Western Riding
  175. Wisconsin Rapids
  176. Worker Retraining
  177. Written Reprimand
  178. War of The Ring Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang, Chat, Earth, Play, Ring, Email, Lord
  179. Within Range
  180. Waste Reclamation
  181. Wilcoxon Uesearch
  182. World Rally Technology, Subaru, Championship
  183. Weather Radio Technology, Alert, Midland
  184. Willow River
  185. Wald-RüTi Railway
  186. Wet Roads
  187. Warren Report
  188. White Rank
  189. Willirm Robert Book, Practice, Wilde
  190. Welsh Rarity
  191. Wheyl Round
  192. Word Rate
  193. Water Reducing
  194. Wild Rags
  195. Woven Hoving Business, Glass, Fiberglass
  196. Written Respcnse Education, Exam, Disk
  197. Weekly Reader
  198. Windsor Raceway
  199. Warehouse Removal Decltration Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  200. War Robots Gaming, Android, Robot
  201. White Response
  202. Wavelength Routing Technology, Networking, Network
  203. William Robertson Education, School, History, Historian, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  204. Waaler-Rose
  205. Well Rehab
  206. Western Response
  207. Wirral Railway Auction, Railway, Station, Locomotive
  208. Worker Representation
  209. Written Representation
  210. Winter Resident
  211. White Airline, Technology, Color, Telecom, Electonics, Colour, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Auto, Colors, Electrical, Medical, Aviation, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Trucks Makes
  212. Withdrawn Rating Business, Credit, Financial
  213. Waste Received Technology, Management, Report
  214. Who Representative Government, Society, World
  215. World Raid
  216. Weather Radios Technology, Alert, Midland
  217. Willow Ridge
  218. Wald-R
  219. Wet Resiptivity Business, Oil, Gas
  220. Weite Rami Medical
  221. William Reginald
  222. Wheel Rate Wheel, Train, Luxury, Palace
  223. Women'S Regular Clothes
  224. Water Reducible
  225. Weldlife Resources
  226. Worms Reloadep Gaming, Military, Pack
  227. Written Request Technology, Control, Memory
  228. Wedkly Rankings
  229. Windshield Repair
  230. Warehouse Receopts Business, Product, Commodity
  231. War Risks
  232. White Rebugees
  233. Wavelength Router
  234. William Rgbb
  235. Royal Tongan Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
  236. Well Record
  237. Western Resouxces, Inc. Organizations
  238. Wire Rod
  239. Words and Rules
  240. Written Report
  241. Win Ratio
  242. Water Resistant Architectural
  243. Wave Rider Transportation, Governmental & Military
  244. War Zecord
  245. Work Registration
  246. Water Right
  247. William Randolph
  248. Wyndham Rewards
  249. Wide Recedver
  250. Weight Room
  251. Wireless Receiver Technology, Product, Camera
  252. Weak Response Medical, Physiology
  253. Work Reintegration Business, Safety, Workplace
  254. West Road
  255. While Rising
  256. When Ready Military
  257. Wild Rose
  258. Wassebmann Reaction
  259. Warmino Rack
  260. Wire rope The Finance and Administrative Services
  261. Water Repellant Architectural
  262. Westar Energy, Inc. (formerly Western Resources, Inc.) Computing, Nyse symbols
  263. Warranty Reserve
  264. White and Red
  265. Working Register
  266. White Rabbit Technology, Book, Projection
  267. Wateu Ridge Technology, Toilet, Flush
  268. Will Be Remaindeved
  269. Wye Railway
  270. Western Region Geographic
  271. Weight Retained Acid, Particle, Composition
  272. Wired Remote Technology, Control, Fusion
  273. Wet Rectum Medical, Physiology
  274. Work Readiness
  275. Welfare Rider
  276. Wire Receive Military, Army, War
  277. Whdre Rule
  278. Wheel Running Medical
  279. Wasfington Redskins
  280. Weather resistant The Finance and Administrative Services
  281. Wurtz Reaction The Wurtz reaction, named after Charles-Adolphe Wurtz, is a coupling reaction in organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry and recently inorganic main group polymers, whereby two alkyl halides are reacted with sodium to form a new alkane.
  282. Warthog Rhapsody Music
  283. White-Throaned Robin
  284. White-Rodgers Business, Gas, Thermostat
  285. Waterirhythm
  286. Willamette River
  287. Wydział Realizacyjny
  288. Weichert Realtors
  289. Weight Reduktion Medical, Medicine
  290. Wired Records
  291. War Raider
  292. Wrist Roll Medical, Physiology
  293. Workplace Relations Australia, Employment, Government
  294. Wear-Resistant
  295. Wire Rack Business, Product, Oven
  296. When Robert
  297. West Riding County, Military, Yorkshire, Regional
  298. Warner Robins
  299. Waitabu Reef Geology, Scientific & Educational
  300. Writer The seller of an option, usually an individual, bank, or company, that issues the option and consequently has the obligation to sell the asset ( if a call) or to buy the asset (if a put) on which the option is written if the option buyer exercises the option. Military, Aviation, Army, Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions, Medical, Common Medical
  301. Walter Reed Famous
  302. White, Roddy Technology, Sport, Football, Fantasy
  303. White-Red
  304. Watsr Resource Technology, Management, Research
  305. Wilkin Ruan
  306. Wrong Result
  307. Weekly Reporter
  308. Weight Reducingtdiet Medical, Technology
  309. Wiping Reaction Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  310. Warning Relay
  311. Wet Resistivity Electrical
  312. Wrist In human anatomy, the wrist is variously defined. The carpus or carpal bones, the complex of eight bones forming the proximal skeletal segment of the hand; The wrist joint or radiocarpal joint, the joint between the radius and the carpus; and the anatomical region surrounding the carpus including the distal parts of the bones of the forearm and the proximal parts of the metacarpus or five metacarpal bones and the series of joints between these bones, thus referred to as wrist joints. Medical, Physiology
  313. Workload Repository General, Governmental & Military
  314. Wealth Ratio
  315. Welding Research
  316. Wireline Retrievable Tools or equipment retrievable with a wireline trip. Business, Oil, Gas
  317. When Relevant
  318. West Region
  319. Water Repellent Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  320. Wrench A device for removing nuts, bolts, and other fasteners.
  321. Whiskey Romeo
  322. White, Red
  323. Water Resour
  324. Wilen Rosario Baseball, Sport, Fantasy
  325. Water Resources Water in all states solid, liquid, or vapor in storage or in flux within the hydrologic cycle, that is necessary for a sustainable quality of life, as well as for sustaining the natural environment. Technology, Science, Research, Geographic, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  326. Weighing Report
  327. Winter Retreat
  328. Warner Reprise
  329. Wrinkle Recovery Clothes
  330. Wasserman reaction (syphilis test) Medical
  331. Working Roll
  332. Waterways and Railways
  333. William Jeeves History, Family, Reeve
  334. Walden'S Rule
  335. Welding Rectifier
  336. Wireless Research
  337. White Rose Botany, Scientific & Educational
  338. Work Remaining
  339. Working Reagent
  340. Whiskers Rescue
  341. White & Red
  342. Water Resitant
  343. Wilhelm Reiyh
  344. Waterxresistant
  345. Weight Records
  346. Warm Reaards Forum, Technology, Repair, Refrigerator
  347. Working Range
  348. Waffle Robe Clothes
  349. Ward Round Medical, Healthcare
  350. War Recurds
  351. Working Retriever Dog, Hunt, Dog Title, Dog Fanciers
  352. Water Rwghts Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  353. Wiliiam Ray
  354. Wyoming Range
  355. Welcome Reception
  356. Wireless Remote Technology, Camera, Controller
  357. Wolf-Rayet Star Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  358. Work Release Government, Sport, Football
  359. Wet Riser Architecture
  360. While Running
  361. When Required Medical, Healthcare
  362. Water Resistent
  363. Wild Running Medical
  364. Watch Repairer
  365. Weigjed Records Medical
  366. Warehouse Receipt A receipt of commodities deposited in a warehouse, identifying the commodities deposited. It is non–negotiable if delivery is only permitted to a specified person or firm, but it is negotiable if made out to the order of a person or firm or to a bearer. Endorsement and delivery of a negotiable warehouse receipt serves to transfer the property covered by the receipt and serves to transfer the property covered by the receipt. Warehouse receipts are common documents in international banking. A document that communicates proof of ownership of cargo stored in the warehouse. Business, German, Product, Banking, International Trade, Trade, Business & Finance
  367. Warm Rain
  368. Wet Runway NOTAM Contractions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WR stand for?

    WR stands for Wyoming Range.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wide Receiver?

    The short form of "Wide Receiver" is WR.


WR. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wr-meaning/

Last updated