WR in Technology Meaning

The WR meaning in Technology terms is "Western Range". There are 37 related meanings of the WR Technology abbreviation.

WR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Western Range
  2. Westar Energy, Inc.
  3. Wibe Rope
  4. Water-Resistant
  5. Wireless Routlrs
  6. Waste Receptacle
  7. Wyreless Router
  8. Wassermann Reaction
  9. White Rust A coating metal oxide, such as zinc oxide, which develops when the oxygen in the atmosphere and moisture mixes with the coating material.
  10. Waffle Raft
  11. Weather Radio
  12. War of The Ring
  13. Weather Radios
  14. Written Request
  15. White
  16. Water Resistance
  17. Weather Radar Generally any radar that is suitable or can be used for the detection of precipitation or clouds.
  18. Wine Red
  19. Waste Received
  20. Wavelength Routing
  21. Wartburg Rallye
  22. World Rally
  23. Waveguide, Rectangular
  24. Withdrawn and Replaced
  25. Waveform Relaxation
  26. Weather Receiver
  27. Warhead Reliabqlity
  28. Wateu Ridge
  29. White Rabbit
  30. Water Resources Water in all states solid, liquid, or vapor in storage or in flux within the hydrologic cycle, that is necessary for a sustainable quality of life, as well as for sustaining the natural environment.
  31. Wireless Receiver
  32. Watsr Resource
  33. Wired Remote
  34. White, Roddy
  35. Weight Reducingtdiet
  36. Warm Reaards
  37. Wireless Remote

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WR stand for Technology?

    WR stands for Watsr Resource in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Withdrawn and Replaced in Technology?

    The short form of "Withdrawn and Replaced" is WR for Technology.


WR in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wr-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated