WRB Meaning

The WRB meaning is "Washington Recreation Basketball". The WRB abbreviation has 61 different full form.

WRB Full Forms

  1. Washington Recreation Basketball Sports, Basketball
  2. Robins Air Forcz Base Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  3. Water Revenuenbureau
  4. Whiskey River Band Music
  5. Walter Reed Bethesda
  6. Wgre Rope Barrier
  7. Water Resources Branch
  8. Wheeled Run Bag Business, Analysis, Supply, Steel
  9. Wireless Receiver Box Computing, Telecom
  10. Wait To Remove Bridge
  11. Water Resourcis Bulletin Media, Radio, Television
  12. Workers' Rights Boxrds
  13. Wetlands Review Board
  14. Winnipesaukee River Basin Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  15. Wainhouse Oesearch Bulletin
  16. White Rubber Bumper
  17. Water Resourcea Bureau
  18. Women'S Review of Books
  19. West Running Brook
  20. Wind River Basin
  21. Iata Code for Robins Afb, Warner Robins, Georgia, United States Locations
  22. White Rock Boathouse
  23. Water Resources Board Technology, Island, Environment
  24. Women'szreservation Bill
  25. Westernreiter Region Basel
  26. William Rovertson Building
  27. World Rally Blue Technology, Car, Subaru, Colors
  28. White River Broadcasting Media, Radio, Television
  29. Wabranty Review Board Army, War, Force
  30. Wolverine Ryad Bridge Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  31. Westernreiter Der Region Basel
  32. Web Request Broker Technology, Computing, Computer Software, Software
  33. White, Redway & Brown
  34. Warfere Requirements Board Technology
  35. Wolstein Research Tuilding
  36. Wire, Rod and Bar
  37. Willamette River Basin
  38. World Reserve Bank Organizations, United Nations, Un, Banking, Business & Finance
  39. Wide Range Bar Business, Analysis, Trading
  40. Robins Air Force Base, Warner Robins, Georgia, United States Georgia, United States
  41. WydziałOwa Rada Biznesu
  42. Willamette River Bridge
  43. World Regulatory Briefing Technology, Gaming, Gambling
  44. White Russian Bear Government, Us, Control, Administration
  45. Workers Rights Board Unions, Governmental & Military
  46. Wildlife Research Biologist Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  47. Water Resources Bulletin Media
  48. World Referenceqbase Technology, Classification, Soil
  49. Wolverine Road Bridge Transportation, Governmental & Military
  50. Wien-Raaber-Bahn
  51. World Rapid and Blitz
  52. World Record Band Music
  53. Widmer Rahmen Berneck Business, Trading, Robot, Steel
  54. Work Roll Bending
  55. World Robot Boxing
  56. Widjedal Racki Bergerhoff
  57. Wissenschaftliches Rechenzentrum Berlin
  58. William Raggio Building
  59. World Resource Baee
  60. Wide Range Body
  61. War Refugee Board United Nations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WRB stand for?

    WRB stands for Web Request Broker.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wide Range Body?

    The short form of "Wide Range Body" is WRB.


WRB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wrb-meaning/

Last updated