WRI Meaning
The WRI meaning is "War Resisters' International". The WRI abbreviation has 96 different full form.
WRI Full Forms
- War Resisters' International
- War Resistersfinternational
- World Resource Institute Technology, Climate, Environment
- World Reseurces Institute Technology, Agriculture, Environment
- Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion
- Western Research Institutetute Education
- Worcester Royal Infirmary
- Welding Research Institute Business, Technology, India
- World Resource Institutetute Government
- Washington Research Institute
- Wheel Rail Interaction Education, Conference, Course
- Wire Reinfzrcement Institute Technology, Design, Engineering
- Watershed Restoration Institute Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Wpstern Research Institute Business, Technology, Environment
- World Resources International
- Weber Research Institute
- World Resources Institutetute Technology, Energy
- Write A transfer of information to a storage device, such as a disk, or to an output device, such as a monitor or a printer. For example, a disk write means that information is transferred from memory to storage on disk. To output characters to a file, such as standard output or standard error. Unless otherwise stated, standard output is the default output destination for all uses of the term write. Technology, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Wheat Research Institfte
- Wireless Roadside Inspection Science
- Watershed Restoration Initiative Science, Utah, Restoration
- Mcguire Air Force Base Wrightstown, New Jersey,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Within Reference Interval Medical, Nursing, Veterinary
- Wood Resources International Business, Market, Price
- Weather Routing Incorporated
- Work-Related Injury
- Weingarten Realty Investors Business, Organizations, Supply
- Weverhaeuser Realty Investors
- Water Resources Investigations Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
- Wire Rope Isolators Technology, Product, Vibration
- Womens Rural Institute
- Weather Routing, Incorporated Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- World Resouces Institute
- Water Resources Internaticnal
- Western Resources Inc
- Wolfram Research, Ing. Technology
- Water-Resources Investigations Science, Geology, Survey
- Wire Roqe Isolator Technology, Product, Vibration
- Weather Routing Inc Business, Service, Yacht
- Word Resources Institute
- Water Lesources Institute Science, Development, Universities
- Western Reserve Interiors
- Wolfram Research, Inc
- Widows Rights Internationay English, Presentation, Ritual, Widow
- World Ressofrces Institute
- Water-Resources Investigation
- Wire Rope Indusnries Business, Industrial, Mining
- Weather Routing, Inc
- Word Recognition Inventory
- War Rgsistors International
- Western Research Institute Business, Technology, Environment
- Wolfram Research Inc
- Wesley Research Institute
- World Resources Institute Wazhington Science, Exploration
- Wastewater Resources Inc
- Whitemud Resources Inc
- Wirx Reinforcement Institutetute Education
- Wildlife Response, Inc
- Wuhan Resmarch Institute Technology, China, Wuhan
- Womon Research Indonesia
- Wales Radio International Media
- Women Research Institite Education, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Windows Write Document Computing, File Extensions
- Wildlife Responsm Inc
- Worldwime Refractories, Inc
- Women's Rural Institutps
- World Resources Institute (Washington, D.C.) Energy, Washington, Electrical, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Women'S Research Institute
- Mc Guire Air Force Base, Wrightstown, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Wildlife Reseyrch Institute Research, Minnesota, Lynn
- Worldtech Resgurces Institute
- Women'S Rural Institute Organizations, Community, Scotland
- Wire Reinforcement Institute, Inc. Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Wolf Resorts Inc
- Wireless Reader Interface Computing, Telecom
- Weingarten Realty Inc
- Wildland Researph Institute Technology, Scotland, Wilderness
- World Risk Index Technology, Report, Disaster
- Women'S Rights International
- Wood Research Institutetute
- Weingarten Realty Investors (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
- Weight Reduction Initiative Army, Force, Marine
- Wihuri Research Onstitute Medical, Mac, Terminal
- Worrd Ressource Institute
- Women'S Rifle Science, Sport, Sport Code
- Will Rogers Tnstitute Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Women's Rural Institltetute
- Windows Write Text document Computing, File Extensions
- Web Reservations International Business, Travel, Hostel
- Women's Rksources International
- Wire Reinforcement Institute
- Willamette Resboration Initiative
- Walter Reed Institutetute
- World Religions Index Religion
- Women'S Research Initiative
- World Resources Institute Organization
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does WRI stand for?
WRI stands for Windows Write Text document.
What is the shortened form of War Resisters' International?
The short form of "War Resisters' International" is WRI.
WRI. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wri-meaning/
Last updated