WS in Health Meaning
The WS meaning in Health terms is "Weloens". There are 7 related meanings of the WS Health abbreviation.
WS on Health Full Forms
- Weloens
- Warkany
- Wallenberg Very common neurological syndrome due to retro-olivary bulbar ischemia due to occlusion of a vertebral artery or a postero-inferior cerebellar artery. The clinical manifestations are, on the side of the lesion, disorders of phonation and swallowing with hemiparalysis of the palate veil, nystagmus, cerebellar syndrome, Claude-Bernard-Horner syndrome and anesthesia of the hemiface; on the opposite side, thermoanesthesia of the trunk and limbs. V. Babinski-Nageotte (syndrome).
- Waardenburg
- Writing Sample Section of The Mcat
- Williams Williams is a patronymic form of the name William that originated in medieval England, Wales, France, and Italy. The meaning is derived from son or descendant of William, the Northern French form that also gave the English name William.
- West Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does WS stand for Health?
WS stands for Writing Sample Section of The Mcat in Health terms.
What is the shortened form of Writing Sample Section of The Mcat in Health?
The short form of "Writing Sample Section of The Mcat" is WS for Health.
WS in Health. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated