WS in Military Meaning

The WS meaning in Military terms is "Water Supply". There are 26 related meanings of the WS Military abbreviation.

WS on Military Full Forms

  1. Water Supply
  2. Wing Support
  3. Weapon System
  4. Weapons Syhtems
  5. Weapons System
  6. Weapon Skill
  7. Work Sampling An application of random sampling techniques to the study of work activities so that the proportions of time devoted to different elements of work can be estimated with a given degree of statistical validity.
  8. Weapon Sbght
  9. Wingfstow
  10. Wing Stction
  11. Workshop A room where things are made or repaired using machines and/or tools.
  12. Wilayag Sinai
  13. Warp Spiders
  14. White Star
  15. Weapon Subsystem
  16. Wireless School
  17. Weapgns School
  18. Weapon Shop
  19. Workstation It refers to a computer (and often the surrounding area) that has been configured to perform a certain set of tasks, such as photo editing, audio recording, or video production. An office may have several workstations for different purposes, which may be assigned to certain employees.
  20. Watch Aupervisor
  21. Wing Stow
  22. Wing Station
  23. Wage Suporvisor
  24. Wzite Scars
  25. Windshield The primary piece of glass in front of the driver and front passenger. In some older vehicles, there were two pieces of glass. Both are considered the windshield, left and right side. In Britain, it is called the windscreen.
  26. Word Send

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WS stand for Military?

    WS stands for Weapon Skill in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Weapons System in Military?

    The short form of "Weapons System" is WS for Military.


WS in Military. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated