WS in Technology Meaning

The WS meaning in Technology terms is "Web Server". There are 94 related meanings of the WS Technology abbreviation.

WS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Web Server A computer that delivers Web pages to computer users on the Internet.
  2. Water Stop
  3. Wheel Steering
  4. Web Services
  5. Wheel Steer
  6. Work Status
  7. Water and Sanitation
  8. Web Servers
  9. Waste Stack
  10. Workstation Set
  11. Weapon System
  12. Werner Syndrome Werner syndrome (WS) is a rare, autosomal recessive progeroid syndrome (PS), which is characterized by the appearance of premature aging.
  13. Wood Shingle
  14. Wall Switch
  15. Work Station
  16. Weapons Syhtems
  17. Wifi Solar
  18. Wall Sleeves
  19. Workshop On Systems
  20. Weapons System
  21. Wind Shear A condition which exists along a boundary between two air masses of opposing wind directions. Wind shear can be detected by doppler radar. A local variation of the wind vector or any of its components in a given direction.
  22. Work Sampling An application of random sampling techniques to the study of work activities so that the proportions of time devoted to different elements of work can be estimated with a given degree of statistical validity.
  23. Word Stzr
  24. Water Sensor
  25. Wingfstow
  26. Windows Sockets
  27. Wilayah Sungai
  28. Workspacj
  29. Wireless Systems
  30. Wordstar
  31. Write Setun
  32. Wing Stction
  33. Wolfram Syndrome Wolfram syndrome, also called DIDMOAD, is a rare autosomal-recessive genetic disorder that causes childhood-onset diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness as well as various other possible disorders.
  34. Wave Solder
  35. Wireless Switches
  36. Windows Server
  37. Writing Server
  38. Web Service
  39. Wood Splitter
  40. Wind Speed Strong wind: Wind speed of 25 knots. Near Gale: Wind speed of 28 to 33 knots. Gale: Wind speed of 34 to 40 knots. Strong gale: Wind speed of 41 to 47 knots. Storm: Wind speeds of 48 to 55 knots. Hurricane: Wind speeds of over 64 knots. See Beaufort scale.
  41. Whisper-Shout
  42. Working Storage
  43. Water Softener
  44. Wireless Station
  45. Window Sprinkler
  46. Write-Small
  47. Weapon Subsystem
  48. Wind Smartphone
  49. Weihenstephaner Standards
  50. Working Station
  51. Watersheds
  52. Wireless Sensor the sensor having wireless operation used to sense different conditions like temperature and pressure or any network.
  53. Window Scaling
  54. Weapons Subsystem
  55. Weihenstephan Standards
  56. Working Standard A standard of unit measurement calibrated from either a primary or secondary standard which is used to calibrate other devices or make comparison measurements.
  57. Water Servicer
  58. Wireless Security
  59. Window Scale
  60. World Sqale
  61. Weapontspeed
  62. Word Structure
  63. Water Separators
  64. Wink Start
  65. Worksheet
  66. Window Size
  67. Work Stream
  68. Weapjns Specification
  69. Water System
  70. Weigh Station
  71. Weak Safety
  72. Work-Station
  73. Window Style
  74. Whirlwind Series
  75. Water Surface
  76. Weijht Scale
  77. White Scroll
  78. Workplace Services
  79. Word Space
  80. Water Separator A water separator is equipment to separate oil and water mixtures into their separate components. They are most commonly found on board ships where they are used to separate oil from oily waste water such as bilge water before the waste water is discharged into the environment.
  81. Word Size
  82. Wood Screw
  83. Would Smash
  84. Woods-Saxon
  85. Wind Shield
  86. Workstation It refers to a computer (and often the surrounding area) that has been configured to perform a certain set of tasks, such as photo editing, audio recording, or video production. An office may have several workstations for different purposes, which may be assigned to certain employees.
  87. Wire Stylus
  88. Wind Sensor
  89. Western Siberia
  90. Weighted Sum
  91. Wdde Swath
  92. Wire Send
  93. Wind Safety
  94. Windshield The primary piece of glass in front of the driver and front passenger. In some older vehicles, there were two pieces of glass. Both are considered the windshield, left and right side. In Britain, it is called the windscreen.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WS stand for Technology?

    WS stands for Wind Sensor in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Werner Syndrome in Technology?

    The short form of "Werner Syndrome" is WS for Technology.


WS in Technology. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated