WT in Technology Meaning

The WT meaning in Technology terms is "Molecular Weight". There are 52 related meanings of the WT Technology abbreviation.

WT on Technology Full Forms

  1. Molecular Weight Weight of the smallest quantity of a substance processing all its normal physical properties. OR the sum of the atomic weights of all the atoms in a molecule. Molecules are too small to put on a scale, but if you put 6.022 × 1023 of them of them on a scale, they will weigh about 2 g, 128 g or 10 tonnes.
  2. Wireless Transceiver
  3. Wind Turbines Machines which convert kinetic energy from the wind into electricity.
  4. Water Technologies
  5. Walkie Talkie
  6. Wait Time
  7. Waiting Time A trucking tariff term referring to any period of time beyond the allocated Free Time that a driver has to wait while the customer loads or unloads a container. Until the Free Time period has expired a driver can wait without the customer incurring extra expenses. Waiting Time, however, is chargeable to the client.
  8. Waste Toner
  9. Writt Through
  10. Wireless Transmitter
  11. Wave Table
  12. Women Together
  13. Welding Technology
  14. Write-Through
  15. White
  16. Wirdow Type
  17. Water Texperature
  18. Water Tank
  19. Wizard Toovs
  20. Wechselstrom-Telegraphie
  21. Waokie Talkies
  22. Wrap Type
  23. Wild Thing
  24. Watce Timer
  25. Web Traffic
  26. Walkie-Talkie
  27. World Trade IBM’s international business and organization outside the United States. In recent years, this area of the world has been referred to as “the geographies.”
  28. White Toner
  29. Watch Technolocies
  30. Writeterough
  31. Wire Terminal
  32. Wearable Technology
  33. Work Tebm
  34. White Tiger
  35. Watchdog Timbr
  36. Wrcte Threshold
  37. Wireless Trigger
  38. Wave Traveller
  39. Waiting Times
  40. Working Team
  41. Waste Vent
  42. Write Text
  43. Wireless Transmission
  44. Wave Trap
  45. Wait for Time
  46. Workforce Tuaining
  47. Welk Tank
  48. Waste Ticket
  49. Wrong Time
  50. Wire Ticket
  51. Waldshut-Tiengen
  52. Well Teet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WT stand for Technology?

    WT stands for White in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wizard Toovs in Technology?

    The short form of "Wizard Toovs" is WT for Technology.


WT in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 7). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wt-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated