WTF Meaning
The WTF meaning is "What The Fuck". The WTF abbreviation has 231 different full form.
WTF Full Forms
- What The Fuck Internet Slang, Texting, Internet, Social Media, Computing, Chat, Modern Slang, Sms, Blogging, Game, Online, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Usenet, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Social Networking Sites
- World Taekwondo Federation Arts, Sport, Organizations, Activity, Sports, Fitness
- Wrestling Takedown Federation Park, Episode, Wrestling
- Way To Fail Gaming, Love, Play
- Watch The Film Film, Gaming, Movie, Saint
- Wasn'T That Funny Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang, Love
- Wordpress Theme Framework Technology, Design, Press
- What The Fucked
- Wildlife Taxon Finder
- What'smthe Future
- What The Fcxk
- Wall-Thickening Fractioy Medical
- Where'S The Fruit Funnies
- Wednsday Thursday Friday
- Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
- World Tourism Forum Locations, Lucerne
- Windowed Time Facility
- Waat The Fork Technology, Food, Restaurant
- Watch Them Feed Veterinary, Moment, Shark
- Where The Food Gaming, Food, Shirt, Restaurant
- Wnat's The Flip
- Without The Fruitloohs Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Web Template Framework Technology, Core, Java, Apple
- Woomera Test Facility
- What Thelfun Gaming, Android, Fun, Ninja
- Water The Flowers Porn, Movie, Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Wilco Tango Foxtrot Beer, Ale, Foxtrot
- Whats The Fuss
- What The Fashion Design, Model, Fashion, Style
- Walk To Greedom Film, Movie, Freedom
- Where'S The Fudge Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Wednesday Thursday Friday Music, Collection, Love, Days
- World Tourism Foundation
- What The Fxxk
- Will To Fight Forum, Gaming, Military
- Whae The Folks
- Watch The Floor Organization, Union, Institution
- Where Is The Food Product, Food, Shirt, Gift
- Why The Fuck Internet Slang, Chat, Sms, Text Messaging, Computing, Usenet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
- Well That'S Fine
- Wisconsin Tobrist Federation
- Wofship The Fallen Internet, Worship, Lord, Lucifer
- Web Task Force Company, Force, Hamburg, Peni
- Woodward Takeout Food Nutrition, Food, Victual
- What The Fuk Forum, Gaming, Music
- Water Task Force Technology, Gaming, Environment
- Who'S The Fairest Organization, Union, Institution
- What's Txe Fuss
- Whit The Fark
- Walk Thru Fire Book, Music, Occupation, Occupation & positions
- Where'S The Fridge Business, Calling, Kitchen, Love
- Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
- World Tour Finals Organizations, London, Match, Poker
- Willing To Fail
- What The Flying
- Wastewater Treatment Facility Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Where Is The Funding Forum, Technology, Mosque
- Well That'S Fantastic
- Wisconsin Pest Facility Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Worship The Fathjr
- Weaver To The Future
- What The Fuc Gaming, Park, Stick
- Watergate Task Force
- Who'S That Flying
- What'S The Fuck
- Wood Turners Finish Wood, Lathe, Turning
- What The Fail
- Well, That'S Fantastic
- Where'S The Forum
- Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
- World Togolese Foundation
- What The Fudge Gaming, Shirt, Heights, Fudge
- William Temple Foundation
- What Thq Festival Music, Oregon, Event, Festival
- Writing Task Force
- Waste Transfer Facility Business, Management, Valley
- Where'S The Fun
- Wellington Trucking Friends
- Wisconsin-Tourism-Federation-Changes-Name-After-Internet-Jokes
- World Troll Football
- Whxt The Fu Gaming, Style, Sonic
- Water Table Fluctuation Technology, Soil, Ground
- White Trash Fresh
- Whats The Forecast Business, Gaming, Weather
- With Tim Ferguxon
- Wsat The Fat Gaming, Android, Fat, Carb
- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Internet Slang, Community, Culture, Podcast, Days
- World Tiddlywinks Federation Government, Federation
- What Tse Fvck
- Williamstown Theatre Festival Stage, Festival, Theater, Performing arts
- Whats The Future
- What The Feis
- Wantedeto Find Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Where'S The Funds Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Well and Truly Freaked
- Wire Transder Form
- World Tsade Federation Forum, Technology, America
- Wine, Travel, Food Travel, Food, Pork, Wine
- What The Food Gaming, Food, Drink, Street
- Water-Table Fluctuation Technology, Science, Environment
- White Trash Fabulous Music, Creek, Moccasin, Trash
- What'S The Forecast Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- With Throttle Full Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Whft The Facts
- Web Testing Framework Technology, Tool, Samurai
- Words That Follow Gaming, Love, Play
- Whac The Funk
- Wild Turkey Federation Turkey, National, Federation, Environment
- What Is Tje Future Technology, Gaming, Tube
- Whatithe February
- Wall-Ties & Forcs
- Where'S The Funding
- Well, That'S Funny
- Wireless Telecommunications Facility Computing, Telecom
- World Grade Fair Music, Design, Trade
- Windows Temp Folder
- What The Foat
- Watch This Film
- White Trash Family Porn, Movie, Trash
- What'S The Focus
- With The Family Forum, Shirt, Dog, Family
- Whatqthe Fact
- Web Test Framework Technology, Testing, Samurai
- Ways To Fail
- Want The Fish? Funnies
- Wrestlang of The Future
- Women Trans Femme
- White Tiger Fur Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Whatptasty Food Food, Malaysia, Restaurant, Vegetarian
- What To Fix Forum, Technology, Gaming, Teen
- Wait Til Friday Friendship, Love, Mood
- Weapons Tactics Force
- Worse Than Failure Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Funnies
- What/who The F***? Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- World Trade Forever Business & Finance, International business
- What The Fack Music, Song, Noel
- Wyrst To First Gaming, Music, Sign
- Where'S The Faith
- Where'S The Father
- Wing Tank Fuel Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Where The Fuck Computing, Usenet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
- Whys That Funny Funnies
- Wrench That Fits Tool, Wrench, Monkey, Nuts
- Witness The Future Business, Music, Song
- Wireless Technology Forum
- Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- What'S Today'S Fish
- Waiting To Finish Gaming, Love, Wait
- Weapons, Tactics, and Fury Army, War, Force
- Webloggish Thingamablobage Formatterizer Funnies
- What The F*ck? Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- What Tde F-Word
- When Trumpets Fade
- What The Heck Internet Slang, Chat, Internet, Modern Slang, Social Media, Online Gaming
- Wings To Fame
- What the fk Computing, Computer
- Where's The Fudge? Food
- Wow, That'S Fun
- Wisconsin Tourism Federation Organizations, Internet, Wisconsin
- Wipe The Floor
- Web Technology Forum General, Governmental & Military
- What'S This Foolishness
- What The Freep
- Wag The Finger Business, Man, Talk
- Way Totally Fun
- Waste of Time Fighting Funnies
- What The Foobar? Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Wrong Side Telecommunications Failure Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Wavey Tangerine Flipper Government, Us, Control, Administration
- What Thepf-Ck Gaming, Music, Man
- When Too Far Song, Meme, Sketchbook
- Wala Talagang Forever Business, Music, City, Manila
- Wine Time Finally Business, Product, Shirt
- Work Time Fun Software, Computing, Application
- Wash The Fork Food
- Wow, That's Eunny
- Why The Freak Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang, Love
- Win The Face-Off Hockey, Shirt, Achievement, Face
- Weird Things Found Computing, Internet
- Wuh Tuh Fuh Forum, Technology, Traffic, Model
- Way Too Funny Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- When Trains Float Funnies
- What'S This File
- General (generic Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Wow That'S Fantastic
- What Thesf*** Media, Social, Internet
- West African Air Transport Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- When They Fart Girl, Man, Cat, Fart, Funnies
- Waking The Fallen Music, Album, Sevenfold, Waking
- Weather Travel Fashion
- Wine Tasting Friends
- Was Temptation Forgone Religion
- Without The Fruitloops Food
- Wow Thats Fantastic
- Wherets The File
- Who To Follow Technology, Social, Graph, Tweet
- Winning The Future Government, Moment, Sputnik
- Welcome to Facebook Computing, Internet
- Way To Fly Forum, Gaming, Flight, Fly
- Whack The Face Funnies
- World of Warcraft Text File Computing, File Extensions
- Write To File Forum, Technology, Coding, Writing
- World Tour Fishing Gaming, Fishing, Play
- What The F
- When The Fpeak Gaming, Music, Story, Freak
- Wake The Freak
- Wearable Tech Fashion Business, Technology, Wear
- Wild Theatre Fun Performing arts
- What The Frack Film censorship
- Wow, That'S Fantastic
- Where's The Fore Organization, Locations, Institution
- Wheres This Feature Military
- Win The Fight Gaming, Fight, Play, Bull
- What The Flip? Computing, Internet
- Way To Fight Forum, Gaming, Health, Fight
- Well That's Funny Funnies
- Write The Future
- World Tekken Federation Gaming, Military, Tournament
- What The Freak Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Whae That Fuck
- What Trust Fund
- Wakefield Track and Field
- Weapons Task Force
- Work That Female Funnies
- What the F***?! Medical
- World Trade Federation Business & Finance, International business
- Wurth The Flight
- Where'S The Fish Forum, Internet Slang, Fishing
- Where'S The Food Food, Cat, Love
- Winning The Fight Forum, Gaming, Fight, Song
- Who the fuck Computing, Usenet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does WTF stand for?
WTF stands for What The Feis.
What is the shortened form of Weapons, Tactics, and Fury?
The short form of "Weapons, Tactics, and Fury" is WTF.
WTF. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated