WTF in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating Meaning

The WTF meaning in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating terms is "What The Fuck". There are 12 related meanings of the WTF Internet - SMS - Text & Chating abbreviation.

WTF on Internet - SMS - Text & Chating Full Forms

  1. What The Fuck
  2. Why The Fuck
  3. Who the fuck
  4. What/who The F***?
  5. Where The Fuck
  6. What The F*ck?
  7. Worse Than Failure
  8. What The Foobar?
  9. General (generic Domains)
  10. Way Too Funny
  11. What The Freak
  12. White Tiger Fur

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WTF stand for Internet - SMS - Text & Chating?

    WTF stands for Worse Than Failure in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of What/who The F***? in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating?

    The short form of "What/who The F***?" is WTF for Internet - SMS - Text & Chating.


WTF in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated