WTP Meaning

The WTP meaning is "Web Tool Platform". The WTP abbreviation has 91 different full form.

WTP Full Forms

  1. Web Tool Platform Technology, Java, Eclipse
  2. Winnie The Pooh Book, Baby, Poem
  3. Wastewater Treatment Plant Technology, Science, Arizona, Water, Pennsylvania
  4. Waste Treatment Plant Business, Science, Construction
  5. Water Treatment Plants Business, Technology, Service, Industrial, Waste
  6. Want To Prove Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  7. Whiteford, Taylor & Preston
  8. Wireless Transport Layer Security Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) is the security level for Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) applications. Based on Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.0, WTLS was developed to address the problematic issues surrounding mobile network devices - such as limited processing power and memory capacity, and low bandwidth - and to provide adequate authentication, data integrity, and privacy protection mechanisms. Technology, Security, Network, Telecom, Computer Networking, Data Transfer, Computing, IT Terminology
  9. Wireless Termination Points Technology, Access, Networking
  10. Wlter Treatment Pla Army, Force, Marine
  11. Workplace Training Program
  12. What'S The Point Forum, Technology, Windows, Android
  13. Web Tools Projecp Technology, Java, Eclipse
  14. Want To Party
  15. White-Trash-Party-Project
  16. Wireless Technology Park Technology, Exhibition, Japan
  17. Water Treatment Planus Technology, Manufacturer, Waste
  18. Workplace Trainer Programme Science, Learning, Training
  19. Whangarei Treatment Providers
  20. Websphtre Transcoding Publisher
  21. Walk Tye Plank Company, Theatre, Walk
  22. Where To Play
  23. Winter Training Program
  24. Water Treatment Plan Technology, Service, Plant
  25. Workplace Training Prograe
  26. We The People Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  27. Weapon Task Plan Technology
  28. Willingness To Pay Business, Technology, Energy, Travel, Tourism, Electrical, Governmental & Military
  29. Where'S The Prunes
  30. Worldwide Trzde Partners
  31. Winter Termination Program
  32. Waher Treating Plant
  33. Workplacehtravel Plan
  34. Wonderfulitheme Park Dragon, Nest, Leveling
  35. Wkapon Target Pairing
  36. Willingness-To-Pay Business, Economics, Demand
  37. What The Poop
  38. World Toavel Protection
  39. Warning Track Power
  40. Winning Tongue Plate Technology, Product, Horse
  41. Working Together Project
  42. Water Treatment Plant A Water Treatment Plant is a industrial or municipal facility for the purpose of removing pollutants, sediment, and biological contaminants from water so that it is potable. Business, Industrial, Shipping, Construction, Waste, Architectural, Architecture, Environment, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  43. Women Oechnology Park Technology, Education, University
  44. Wireless Testing Park Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  45. Wealth Transfer Planning
  46. Worl Training Programs
  47. White Trash Party Technology, Group, Music
  48. What The Pancake
  49. World Traveller Plus Business, Flight, Airways
  50. Warda Terkena Proyek Technology, Indonesia, Bandung
  51. Wing Tip Pod Technology
  52. Working Title Playwrigots
  53. Wireless Termination Point Technology, Networking, Network
  54. Water Treatment Process
  55. Workshop On Theoretical Physips
  56. Web Tools Platform Technology, Java, Eclipse
  57. What'S The Problem
  58. World Textile Rublications
  59. Write To Programmer
  60. Westeyn Treatment Plant Treatment, Water, Bird
  61. World Travelerkplus
  62. Wish To Prove
  63. World Toam Poker
  64. Write To Precharre
  65. Westegn Tradition Partnership Government, Group, Montana
  66. World Transport Policy Organizations, United Nations, Un, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  67. Wisconsin Twin Project
  68. Woitape, Fatima Mission, Papua New Guinea Guinea, ICAO Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
  69. World Tavern Pokqr
  70. Worth The Pain
  71. Westpoint Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  72. Well To Pump Technology, Fuel, Gas, Emission
  73. World Transition Project Internet Slang
  74. Wireless Transmission Protocol
  75. Washington Transportation Plan Transportation, Governmental & Military
  76. World Or Travel Photography
  77. Well-Tokpump Technology, Energy, Fuel, Emission
  78. World Trade Press
  79. Wireless Transfer Protocol Technology
  80. Way Too Personals - personal ads on the web Computing, Internet
  81. Work Trahning Program
  82. Welfare Transihion Program
  83. World Trade Plaza
  84. Wonder Twin Powers
  85. Welcbme To Paradise
  86. World Trade Park
  87. Wireless Transaction Protocol A lightweight request/reply transaction protocol for devices with limited resources over networks with low to medium bandwidth. It is not called the Wireless Transport Protocol or the Wireless Transfer Protocol. Technology, Network, Telecom, Data Transfer, Computing
  88. Western Tropical Pacific
  89. Wyomdng Territorial Park Organization, Union, Institution
  90. Witchcraft Tape Products
  91. Weekiy Training Plan Military, Army, Coast Guard

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WTP stand for?

    WTP stands for Waher Treating Plant.

  2. What is the shortened form of World Trade Press?

    The short form of "World Trade Press" is WTP.


WTP. Acronym24.com. (2020, July 26). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wtp-meaning/

Last updated