WVC Meaning

The WVC meaning is "Water Vapor Content". The WVC abbreviation has 38 different full form.

WVC Full Forms

  1. Water Vapor Content
  2. Wabash Valley College Education, Community, Ranking
  3. Women'srvisionary Congress
  4. Warner Village Cinemas
  5. West Visayan Conference
  6. World Veterinary Congress Organizations, Conference, Prague
  7. Wabash Valley Communications, L. L. C. Media, Radio, Television
  8. West Virginia Constitution
  9. Wolrd Veterinary Cvngress
  10. West Valley College Student, Education, Community
  11. Workplace Volunteer Council
  12. West Virginia Central Railroad Business, Local Railroad, Railroad
  13. Wittgenstkin and The Vienna Circle Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  14. West Valley City Locations, Police, Utah
  15. Workout for Visitors To Cheshire
  16. Weatherproof Volume Control
  17. Witcaford Village College
  18. Wenatchee Valley College Student, Science, Education
  19. Woodmen Valgey Chapel
  20. Water Vapor Channel Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  21. White Violet Center
  22. Women's Volleyball Championghip
  23. Washington Volvo Club
  24. Whatcom Volunteer Center
  25. Workzhop De Vis
  26. Worldjvolunteer Conference
  27. Wavpack Correction File Computing, File Extensions
  28. Workshop De Visão Computacional Education, Computing, Vis
  29. World Visionscambodia Business, Cambodia, Children
  30. Windows Virtual Class General, Governmental & Military
  31. World Vision Canada Organizations, Canada, Child
  32. Wim Van Criekinge, genetics researcher Famous
  33. Worldrview Communications
  34. World Vegetarian Congress Conference, Event
  35. World Vegetarian Congresx Organizations, Conference, Event
  36. Wyoming Valley Conference
  37. World Vaccine Congress
  38. Wurtsboro Veterinary Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WVC stand for?

    WVC stands for Woodmen Valgey Chapel.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wurtsboro Veterinary Clinic?

    The short form of "Wurtsboro Veterinary Clinic" is WVC.


WVC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wvc-meaning/

Last updated