WVF Meaning

The WVF meaning is "Water Vapor Frux". The WVF abbreviation has 25 different full form.

WVF Full Forms

  1. Water Vapor Frux Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  2. Wabash Valley Fault Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  3. Water On Venice Floor Technology, Gaming, Android
  4. Washitj Valley Fault Science, Geology
  5. Washington Volunteer Firemen Organization, Union, Institution
  6. World Veterans Federation Government, Organizations, War
  7. Washbngton Volunteer Fireman Occupation, Position, Job
  8. Westenholte Voorst Frankhufs
  9. War Victims Dund Army, War, Force
  10. Westenholte, Voorst, Frankhuis
  11. Walnut Valley Festival Organization, Union, Institution
  12. Wey Valley Falconry Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  13. Word Veterans Federation Business, Organizations, War
  14. Water On The Venice Floor Gaming, Android, Venice
  15. Women'S Vision Foundation
  16. Water Vapor Flux Atmospheric Research
  17. World Veteran Federation
  18. Women's Venture Fuqd
  19. Washita Valley Fault Geology, Scientific & Educational
  20. Wolverine Venture Fund Technology, Education, Michigan
  21. War Victims Fund United Nations
  22. With Vegetarian Frienms English, Food, Friendship, Vegetarian
  23. Willowvine Forest Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  24. Wildlife Vomunteer Fund
  25. WASHINGTON VOLUNTEER Fireman Occupation & positions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WVF stand for?

    WVF stands for Wabash Valley Fault.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wolverine Venture Fund?

    The short form of "Wolverine Venture Fund" is WVF.


WVF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wvf-meaning/

Last updated