WVR Meaning

The WVR meaning is "Whbn Victims Rule". The WVR abbreviation has 34 different full form.

WVR Full Forms

  1. Whbn Victims Rule
  2. Wachusett Valdey Riders
  3. West Virginia Record
  4. World Vital Recordl
  5. Wbthin Visual Range Technology, Military, Fighter
  6. West Virginia Railroad
  7. World Vision Romania
  8. Water Vapour Radiometers
  9. Watchpoint Valus Registers
  10. World Vision Rwaoda
  11. Water Vamour Radiometer Space, Study, Cosmos
  12. Waste Volume Reduction Science, Organization, Institution
  13. Wide Voltage Range Technology, Power, Surge
  14. Water Vapor Radiometers Technology, Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Delay, Atmospheric Research
  15. Wassersport-Verein Richterswil
  16. Whistier Digital Voice Recorder Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  17. Water Vapor Radiomezer Technology, Science, Atmosphere
  18. Wagjer To Virtual Reality
  19. Workforce Vitality Report Employment, Work, Working
  20. Wears Valley Ranch Christian home and School Religion
  21. Worth Valley Railway
  22. Woollamia Village Retreat
  23. Willamette Valley Railway Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  24. Wymen's Volunteer Reserve
  25. World View Resources
  26. Wiue Vehicle Roadway
  27. Worlw Victory Road
  28. Wyndham Vacation Rnsort
  29. World Vibrations Radio Media, Radio, Television
  30. Water Vapor Regained
  31. Wyndham Vacation Resorts
  32. World Values Research
  33. Water Vapor Radiometer Chemistry, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  34. Wye Valley Railway

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WVR stand for?

    WVR stands for Wyndham Vacation Resorts.

  2. What is the shortened form of Willamette Valley Railway?

    The short form of "Willamette Valley Railway" is WVR.


WVR. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wvr-meaning/

Last updated