WW Meaning

The WW meaning is "Walla Walla". The WW abbreviation has 351 different full form.

WW Full Forms

  1. Walla Walla
  2. Walt Whotman
  3. Westminster West Education
  4. Word War
  5. Waffle Weave
  6. Who'S Who Business, Gaming, Book, War, Bibliographic
  7. Work Week
  8. Water Wastewater
  9. Wild Weasel Technology, Military
  10. Western Wear Clothes
  11. Wordless Wednesday Kid, Blogger, Love
  12. Tornado Watch A tsunami is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, generally an ocean or a large lake. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions (including detonations of underwater nuclear devices), landslides, glacier calvings, meteorite impacts and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami. Science
  13. White Wolf Gaming, Vampire, Wolf
  14. Wrong Word Education, Coding, English, Correction
  15. Wet Weather
  16. Worksite Welrness Business, Program, Health
  17. Water Waste Technology, Environmental Technology, Waste Management, NASA
  18. Wiener WerkstäTte Business, Art, Design
  19. Western Washington
  20. Winter Wonderland Locations, Wedding, Makeover
  21. World Wide Business, Finance, Economics, Business & Finance, International business
  22. White Wish
  23. West Wing Technology, Gaming, House
  24. Wdrking Women
  25. Water To Water Technology, Product, Heat
  26. Wicked Wind Gaming, Diablo, Wizard
  27. Werner-Wengle
  28. Winter Weather Military, Advisory, Alert
  29. Wheeled Walker Physical Therapy
  30. White Wine Nutrition, Food, Victual
  31. West Windsor
  32. Worcing Woman
  33. Wdh Wah
  34. Wicked Weasel
  35. Wendy Williams
  36. Windshield Wiper Business, Car, Blade, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  37. Westminster Waltz Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
  38. West Wales
  39. Word Wuap Technology, Coding, Software
  40. Wagon Wheel Business, Sale, Chandelier
  41. Who Was
  42. Water Works Gaming, Play, Pastime, Geographic, Ordnance Survey
  43. Window Width Medical, Technology, Coding, General, Governmental & Military
  44. Weston and Watkins
  45. World Wars
  46. Wagner-Whitin Business, Algorithm, Inventory
  47. Whole Wheat Wheat, Recipe, Flour, Bread
  48. World - Wide Technology
  49. Water Wheel
  50. Window Wall Technology, Construction, Architectural
  51. Wave Basher
  52. Wellness Watchers
  53. Word and World Book, Education, History
  54. Was Weaker
  55. William Whipple
  56. Web Witch
  57. Winter Way
  58. Wagon Wright
  59. World Warrior Technology, Fighter, Street
  60. Wrench Wench
  61. Wimley-White
  62. Wyatt Worldwide Military
  63. Wetcast Wash
  64. Wesley Willis
  65. Wafbirds Worldwide
  66. Wheel Width The distance of a wheel from bead to bead.
  67. Water White A grade of colour which looks like clear water.
  68. William Wingfield
  69. Welding Wire A form of welding filler metal, normally packaged as coils or spools, that may or may not conduct electrical current depending on the welding process with which it is used. Also electrode and welding rod.
  70. Wishing Well
  71. Western Way
  72. Womens Wide
  73. War Walkers
  74. Whitq Watch
  75. Webber Wentzel
  76. Wind Walk Gaming, Lineage, Walk
  77. William Welles
  78. Without Winch Military
  79. Wavetek Wvndel
  80. Wellness That Works Business, Weight, Watcher
  81. Wool Worths
  82. Waste Wise
  83. William West Military, Lake, Camp, Adirondack
  84. Web Weaving
  85. Winter Water Group, Ocean, Water
  86. Wagon West
  87. World War Military, Army, War, History, Force, Battle
  88. Wreck Wednesday Crash, Boat, Compilation
  89. Wolf Working
  90. Wek Weight Medical, Oven, Moisture
  91. Wang & Wang
  92. Wheel Weight Weight that are clipped, taped, or self-adhered to the inside or outside of the wheel in order to balance the tire/wheel assembly.
  93. Water Whpels
  94. William Williams
  95. Weeks Waiting
  96. Wise Wdman
  97. Western West
  98. Women's Forlds
  99. War Walker
  100. White Wall Business, Motorcycle, Wheel, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  101. Webber'S Words Media, Radio, Television
  102. Wind-Walk
  103. Wheeler, Walter
  104. Word for Word Media, Radio, Television, Computing, Computing Slang
  105. Waukesha Wrecking
  106. Well Won
  107. Woogi World
  108. War Wounds
  109. Wielki Wybuch
  110. Webster-Whitcomb
  111. Winter Warfare
  112. Wagner Within Technology, Research, Algorithm
  113. World-Wide Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  114. Worldwide Water
  115. Wolfsbucg West
  116. Wet Wednesday
  117. Wandsworth Zandsworth
  118. Wheel War Wikipedia
  119. Water Wktter
  120. William Willis
  121. Week of Waiting
  122. Wisconsin Women
  123. Western Wastes Technology, Gaming, Waste, Shadow, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  124. Women'l Workshops
  125. War Wagon Military, War, Miniature
  126. Whimsical Wedding
  127. Winchester and Western Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Railroad
  128. Weather Working Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping
  129. Windows for Workgroup Technology, Science, Networking
  130. Wario Ware
  131. Watto Water
  132. Well-Worn
  133. Woody Washington
  134. War Mizard
  135. Who Wants
  136. Website Www
  137. Winston West
  138. Wagner Winkler Business, German, Tax, Germany
  139. World'S Work
  140. World Wide Trading Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  141. Wet Wax
  142. Wheeler Was
  143. Word Ways
  144. Watches Will
  145. William Will
  146. Weekly Worker
  147. Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks
  148. Wandc White
  149. Westcott & Winks
  150. Woman Within
  151. Warrior Within Gaming, Prince, Warrior, Pop
  152. Where'S Willy
  153. Writers Wednesday Book, Writing, Writer, Hashtag
  154. Winchester Western
  155. Warehouse Warrant Business, Trading, Shipping, Freight
  156. Wetsuit Wearhouse
  157. War In World
  158. Wetnwilly
  159. Watson Syatt and Company Holdings Technology, Organizations
  160. Well,Cwe Were
  161. Within Wzrd
  162. Western Wireless
  163. Wood Worker
  164. War Wina
  165. Whose World
  166. Website Welcome
  167. Winston'S Wish
  168. Wagga Wagga Australia, Locations, City
  169. World Wheelchair
  170. Wellness Workshops
  171. Wordly Wise
  172. Watch and Wait
  173. William Wickham
  174. Weekly Winners
  175. Wiscasqet Waterville
  176. Walt Wxlliams
  177. Womaskind Worldwide
  178. Warrior Week
  179. When We Were
  180. Writec's Workshop
  181. Winchester-Western
  182. Walter Winchell
  183. Wetln-Wesgram
  184. Wesley Wright Baseball, Card, Checklist
  185. Warehouse Aarrant Business, Product, Freight
  186. Wep White Business, Porn, Sex, Light
  187. Watex Warriors Military, Army, Penguin
  188. William Wright Technology, Book, War
  189. Welfare Ti Work
  190. Witch World
  191. Bmibaby Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
  192. Western White Russia, Japan, Family
  193. Wood Wool Fine wood shavings, used for surgical dressings, binders for plaster, nesting materials for animals, insulating materials, and packing materials.
  194. War Widow
  195. White Way
  196. Website Weaver
  197. Window Washer Military
  198. Woodrow Wilson America, Government, President
  199. World Weapons
  200. Wellness Workshop Business, Health, Yoga
  201. Word and Worship
  202. Watchable Wildlife
  203. William White
  204. Weekly Walk
  205. Wirthlin Worldwise
  206. Walruseweek Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  207. Wolverhampton Wanderers
  208. When The War Military, Movie, Wake
  209. Wript Watch
  210. Win-Win Describes a situation or arrangement in which all parties benefit or profit.
  211. WysiĘGnik Wzmocniony
  212. Wetlanos Working
  213. Wesley Woods
  214. Warehouse-To-Warehouse
  215. Wet Well
  216. Water Workieg
  217. William Wittman
  218. Weldon Williams
  219. Wisnu Wardhana Technology, Photo, Indonesia, Surabaya
  220. Western Wayne
  221. Women Working
  222. War Weariness Military, Army, History
  223. White Water Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry, Pinball
  224. Weber Wilro
  225. Winning Walk
  226. Wilson, Warren
  227. Warm White The Finance and Administrative Services
  228. Whalz Wars Episode, Sea, Whale
  229. Work Warning Technology, War, Galaxy, Radar
  230. Which Way
  231. Will Whitlock
  232. Holzblasinstrument Music
  233. Writeeword
  234. With Woven
  235. West Walker
  236. Windint To Winding
  237. Warriol Wars Army, War, Force
  238. Wheeled Warriors
  239. Weaning Weights Medical
  240. Waterworld Pinball
  241. Word World
  242. We Were Military, Porn, Sex, War
  243. Waste Water The used water and solids from industrial processes that flow to a treatment plant. OR Effluent water from residences, businesses and other water users that contains contamination. Chemistry, Architecture, Environment, Construction, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  244. Wubbulous World
  245. Whole World United Nations
  246. Warta Water
  247. Weymouth Waves
  248. Workshop & Warehouse
  249. When Will
  250. Will Watkins
  251. Whimsical Weirdie Funnies
  252. Writers Workshop Education, Development, Universities
  253. With Oiper
  254. Westerwald Wilde
  255. William Waters
  256. Warrizr's Wish
  257. Wheaoon Woods
  258. Weakeld Warrior Army, War, Force
  259. Whirlwind Small but very intense revolving storm, the wind circulating very rapidly around a low-pressure Center-line. Pinball
  260. Welter Weight
  261. Word Work Student, Education, Reading, Grade
  262. Wales and West Passenger Trains Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  263. Written Warning Business, Employment, Coding
  264. Wild West Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  265. Warm-White
  266. Waaio World
  267. We Will War, Iran, Shopping
  268. Workplace Wellness
  269. Wheel Well NASA
  270. Will Wait
  271. Wicked Witch Famous
  272. Wow Wwman Porn, Sex, Organizations
  273. With Winch
  274. Westerwald-Wied Technology, Channel, Satellite, Germany
  275. Wignercweisskopf
  276. War Wounded Medical
  277. Warren Wilkinson
  278. Wha Wha
  279. Way Tatchers Forum, Military, Army, Wood
  280. Woodwind instruments Music
  281. Wrong Window May refer to an open window on a user's computer. Technology, Windows, Internet Slang, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  282. Well Woman
  283. Word Wisdom History, Study, Grade, Wisdom
  284. Winchester & Western Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  285. Writer Wednesday
  286. Weather Wing Technology
  287. Wormwood The essence of absinthe, an emerald-green spirit, flavored with extracts of the wormwood plant, licorice and aromatic flavorings in a alcohol base. Absinthe was manufactured, commercialized and popularized in France in the late 1700s by Henri-Louis Pernod. It became an extremely popular drink. Among the famous figures who made absinthe a symbol of decadence were the writer Oscar Wilde, the poet Charles Baudelaire, and the artists Edouard Manet, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Pablo Picasso.Medical research on absinthe was initiated in 1864 by a psychiatrist, Valentin Magnan, who studied alcoholics and did animal experiments regarding the inhalation of wormwood or alcohol vapor. Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  288. We Went
  289. Working Wounded
  290. What Would
  291. Willow Wood County, School, Locations
  292. Wonder Woman Famous
  293. Worthjwatching
  294. With Warrants Business, Military, Censu
  295. Western Woman America, Organizations, War, Russia
  296. White Women Medical
  297. Severe Weather Forecast NOTAM Contractions
  298. Warkof The Worlds
  299. What We
  300. Wayward Wife
  301. Wilro Wilson
  302. Instrumento de madera Music
  303. Wrong Way Means you are going the wrong direction; might be used in a text message referring to driving. Internet Slang, Chat, Sms, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  304. Well Watnr Technology
  305. Wall to Wall Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  306. Weather Oatcher Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  307. Weather Watch A hydrometeorological message issued to provide appropriate advance notice that meteorological conditions exist in which hazardous and potentially life–threatening weather conditions may develop. Computing, Technical
  308. Working Worldwide
  309. What Works
  310. Willie Walsh
  311. Wayne White Famous
  312. World Wmestling
  313. World At War Technology, Calling, Computer Game, Media
  314. Williamqwilliams
  315. Wireway The Finance and Administrative Services
  316. Wafnowwerft Warnem
  317. What, Why Technology, History, Russia
  318. White Wash Organization, Union, Institution
  319. Wayne Watkins
  320. Willy Wonka
  321. Instrument à vent en bois Music
  322. Wrong Warp
  323. Wizarm World
  324. West Wilkes
  325. Week Wait Business & Finance, International business
  326. Weatsered White
  327. Working The Web Computing, Internet
  328. Workers World Government, Group, Party
  329. What Was Technology, Gaming, War, History
  330. Winter White Colors
  331. Worldlof Webcams Technology, Software, Chat
  332. Wycombe Wanderers
  333. Wire Wrap NASA
  334. Warnowwerft WarnemüNde
  335. Whame Watching
  336. Whitest White
  337. Wave Ueaving
  338. Will Wright
  339. Strumento a fiato di legno Music
  340. Wrjtten Work
  341. Wizarding World
  342. West Warren
  343. Worlvwide
  344. Warrior Wear
  345. Weaning Wt
  346. Web Woman Computing, Internet
  347. Working World
  348. We Would Business, War, Iran
  349. Winners Wreath Awards & medals
  350. Wurwear
  351. watchful waiting Observing waiting with regular check-ups, e.g. in the case of certain malignancies at a very early stage, in order to avoid excessive therapeutic measures. Medical, Prostate Cancer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WW stand for?

    WW stands for Whitq Watch.

  2. What is the shortened form of Winchester & Western?

    The short form of "Winchester & Western" is WW.


WW. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 4). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ww-meaning/

Last updated