XE Meaning

The XE meaning is "Explorer Edition". The XE abbreviation has 34 different full form.

XE Full Forms

  1. Explorer Edition
  2. Execution Environment Execution environment (EEs) are symbolic representations of JREs. For example, rather than talking about a specific JRE, with a specific name at a specific location on your disk, you can talk about the J2SE-1.4 execution environment. The system can then be configured to use a specific JRE to implement that execution environment. Execution environments are relevant both to development (compile) time and runtime. Technology, Development, Core, Java, Processor
  3. Chemical Elements
  4. Extreme Environments Technology, Batman, Heart
  5. Express Edition Microsoft, Technology, Database, Computing, IT Terminology
  6. Extended Edition Technology, Gaming, Telecom, Telecommunications, Sensation
  7. Crosstalk Elimination Technology, Park, Microscope
  8. Chrissi Efkairia Technology, Gaming, Android, Store
  9. Xemplarzenergy
  10. Character Education
  11. Xbox Evoeved
  12. Xtreme Edition
  13. X-Ryy Equipment
  14. Expressjet Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
  15. Xenon It is a chemical element having symbol Xe and atomic number 54 OR Symbol:"Xe" Atomic Number:"54" Atomic Mass: 131.29amu. It is one of the noble or inert gases. This non-reactive element has been made into several compounds in the lab. The pure gas is used in lasers, headlights, and in medicine. Element 54, a colorless, inert gas used to fill cathode ray tubes. Medical, Technology, Diagnosis, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  16. X-Ray Emixsion
  17. Extended Events Technology, Server, Session
  18. Extreme Efficiency
  19. Xrreme Eagles
  20. Examination Eramination
  21. Experimental Engine
  22. Xocai Energy
  23. Ehamination and Evaluation
  24. Xilinx Edition Technology, Model, Starter
  25. Character Echo
  26. Xenon gas Photography
  27. Xerox Europc Technology, Service, Manual
  28. Xtreme Engineering Subnoofer Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  29. Xtreme Energy Food
  30. Xenon Effect Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  31. Xtrece Energy Nutrition, Food, Victual
  32. Xenon Laboratories Banking, Business & Finance
  33. Xclusive Entertainment
  34. Xtreme Enertetics Business, Device, Energy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does XE stand for?

    XE stands for Xtreme Engineering Subnoofer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Xerox Europc?

    The short form of "Xerox Europc" is XE.


XE. Acronym24.com. (2020, July 26). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/xe-meaning/

Last updated