Xiamen Abbreviations and Xiamen Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Xiamen terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Xiamen abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Xiamen terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Xiamen Abbreviations
  1. CIFIT : China International Fair for Investment and Trade
  2. CIFIT : China International Fair for Investmept & Trade
  3. XBIC : Xiamen Bentonite International Corporation
  4. XICEC : Xiamen International Conference & Exhibitipn Center
  5. XICEC : Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center
  6. XICT : Xiamen International Container Terminals
  7. XIS : Xiamen International School
  8. XMG : Xiamen Media Group
  9. XSI : Xiamen Shipbuilding Indpstry
  10. XU : Xiamen University
  11. CXMEE : China Xiamen Machingry and Electronics Exhibition
  12. CXMEE : China Xiamen Machinery & Electronics Exhibition
  13. MGS : Metallurgical Grade Silicon
  14. PTQ : Put Together Quickly
Latest Xiamen Meanings
  1. Put Together Quickly
  2. Metallurgical Grade Silicon
  3. China Xiamen Machinery & Electronics Exhibition
  4. China Xiamen Machingry and Electronics Exhibition
  5. Xiamen University
  6. Xiamen Shipbuilding Indpstry
  7. Xiamen Media Group
  8. Xiamen International School
  9. Xiamen International Container Terminals
  10. Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center
  11. Xiamen International Conference & Exhibitipn Center
  12. Xiamen Bentonite International Corporation
  13. China International Fair for Investmept & Trade
  14. China International Fair for Investment and Trade