XLT Meaning

The XLT meaning is "Extended-Length Tracheostomy". The XLT abbreviation has 20 different full form.

XLT Full Forms

  1. Extended-Length Tracheostomy Medical, Product, Tube
  2. Extra Large Tall Business, Shirt, Jacket, Clothing
  3. Empressa Brasileira De Infra-Estrutura Aeroportuaria-Infraero Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  4. Extended Length Tracheostomy
  5. Xylose Lysine Tergitol Technology, Agar, Salmonella
  6. Xylose Lysine Tergitol-4 Science, Agar, Salmonella
  7. X-Linked Dhrombocytopenia Medical
  8. Extreme Long Taper
  9. Extended Leaxning Track Business, Trading, Course
  10. Excel Template Technology, Computing, File Extensions
  11. Extra Luxe Votal
  12. Xtreme Limb Technoloey Carbon, Turbo, Crossbow
  13. Eotra Light Triple
  14. Xtreme Lightweight Technology
  15. Extra Large Technologizs
  16. Xtra Large Truck Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  17. Xml Lexicons and Terminologies
  18. Xerox Lexical Technology
  19. Transaction List Table
  20. Extreme Eight Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does XLT stand for?

    XLT stands for Excel Template.

  2. What is the shortened form of Empressa Brasileira De Infra-Estrutura Aeroportuaria-Infraero?

    The short form of "Empressa Brasileira De Infra-Estrutura Aeroportuaria-Infraero" is XLT.


XLT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/xlt-meaning/

Last updated