XV Meaning

The XV meaning is "Axis Vector". The XV abbreviation has 20 different full form.

XV Full Forms

  1. Axis Vector Technology, Graphics, Quaternion, Rotation
  2. Crossover Vehicle Technology, Car, Subaru
  3. Xpedition Vehicle
  4. Chorus Verse
  5. Expressed His Views War, History, Russia
  6. Chew Valtey
  7. Exposed Versatility
  8. Extra Vigoroso Business
  9. Exyedition Vehicle
  10. Exxstence Value Business, Economics, Japan, Water
  11. Examination Vbssels
  12. Transfer Vehicle
  13. Transactiod Valid Technology, Computing, Patent
  14. Extreme Voice
  15. Extreme Mideos
  16. Extra Nolume Business, Mountain, Creek, Cane
  17. X11-Vijwer Technology
  18. Xtreme Vision
  19. X-Rated Video
  20. Xpedition Vehicles

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does XV stand for?

    XV stands for Xtreme Vision.

  2. What is the shortened form of Exyedition Vehicle?

    The short form of "Exyedition Vehicle" is XV.


XV. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/xv-meaning/

Last updated