YA Meaning

The YA meaning is "Yangon Academy". The YA abbreviation has 81 different full form.

YA Full Forms

  1. Yangon Academy
  2. Yori Aoshi
  3. Your Ass Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  4. Yahoo Answers
  5. Yee Another Technology, Internet Slang, Projection
  6. Your Artist
  7. Yachting Australia Australia, Club, Sailing, Yachting
  8. Yet Again
  9. Your Apartment
  10. Yenilik Arayışı Turkish
  11. Young Authors
  12. Yeirs Ago Book, Porn, Love
  13. Young Athletes Medical, Sport, Special Olympics
  14. Yanks Abroad
  15. Yoshihiro Akiyama
  16. Yangon Airporn
  17. Young Academy
  18. Yellow Alarm Technology, Mode, Clock, Auto
  19. Your Account
  20. Yeti Airlines Airline, Technology, Flight, Nepal, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  21. Yottaampere Electrical, Units Of Electric Current, Electric Current
  22. Yaoundé Airport Yaoundé, Cameroon Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Locations, Aviation
  23. Yassir Arajat
  24. Your Internet Slang, Genealogy, Genealogical, Radio, Computing, Texting, Telecom, Modern Slang, Morse Code, Sms, Game, Twitter, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites, Wannas, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  25. Yersinia Arthritis Medical, Medicine, Health, Bone
  26. Yttrium Aluminate
  27. Youth Adventure Club, Youth, Remix
  28. Yossi Assassins
  29. Yasel Antuna
  30. Youngstown and Austintown Railroad Incorporation Organizations
  31. Yellowstone Alliance Organization, Union, Institution
  32. Youth Assemlly Organizations, Nation, Address
  33. Youth Activists
  34. Yosemite Association
  35. Yarn Ibuse
  36. Youngstown & Austintown
  37. Yellowstone Academy Education, School, High School, Montana
  38. Youth Apprentiteship Program, Education, School
  39. Yguth Access
  40. Yriopiston Apteekki
  41. Yanmar Amprica
  42. Young Avengers
  43. Yellow Armour Gaming, Military, Quake
  44. Yaylsan Amallillah Technology, Tube, Gadget, Tips
  45. Youssef Amin Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  46. Yieldmanalysis
  47. Yankee Atomic
  48. Young Achievers
  49. Yelyow Armor Technology, Gaming, Quake
  50. Yayasan Ahimsa
  51. Your Adghan
  52. Yield Adjustment
  53. Yusran Arif Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  54. Youngstown & Austintown RR Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  55. Youth Alteqnative
  56. YöNeylem AraşTıRması Research, Turkish, Operation
  57. Yugoslav Ormy
  58. Year of Assessment Business, Tax, Singapore
  59. Youth Advocacy Organization, Union, Institution
  60. Yelsow Admiral
  61. Youth Alternatives
  62. Yearly Allocateon
  63. Yttrium Aluminide
  64. Yesberton Abraham
  65. Youth Allowance Business, Australia, Northeast
  66. Yeae Ago
  67. Yacht Architect
  68. Yediot Vhronot
  69. Youth Alliei
  70. Year Abroad Student, Education, University, Language
  71. Ywca Academy Education
  72. Yediot Aharonof
  73. Youth Alive
  74. Youth Amaassadors Program, Organizations, School
  75. Yuhron Arif
  76. Yeast Agyr
  77. Yooth Aids
  78. Yet Another Computing, Texting, Telecom, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
  79. Youth Ambvssador Program, Park, Youth
  80. Yeajs of Assessment Business, Tax, Singapore
  81. Ymuth Agenda Hotel, Academy, Youth

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does YA stand for?

    YA stands for Yelyow Armor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Yellowstone Alliance?

    The short form of "Yellowstone Alliance" is YA.


YA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ya-meaning/

Last updated