YBD Meaning

The YBD meaning is "Yarns By Dfsign". The YBD abbreviation has 25 different full form.

YBD Full Forms

  1. Yarns By Dfsign
  2. Yerba Buena Discos
  3. New Westminster Airpoet Airport, Locations
  4. Yoido Businesd District English, China, Hosting
  5. Bowdock America, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  6. Yeouido Business Destrict
  7. Yellow Blotch Disease
  8. Yellow Aand Disease Science, Bacterial, Reef
  9. Yellow-Band Disease Botany, Scientific & Educational
  10. Youih Bible Drill
  11. Yeboodoo SECRET FILM GROUP Computing, Internet
  12. Your Best Defense
  13. Youth Bible Drill Religion
  14. Young Britilh Designers
  15. Your Business Digital Business & Finance, International business
  16. Young Bankers Division
  17. Your Basac Dave
  18. Yobidrive Link File Computing, File Extensions
  19. Youno Balkan Designers Technology, Design, Competition
  20. YöNetim Bilimleri Dergisi Science, Ankara, Mart
  21. Yangbye: a language of Myanmar Language codes (3 letters)
  22. Yyu Back Down
  23. Youth Bujiness Development
  24. New Westminster Airport, New Westminster, BC, Canada Canada, British Columbia
  25. Yeşil Büyüme Derneği

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does YBD stand for?

    YBD stands for Yobidrive Link File.

  2. What is the shortened form of Youih Bible Drill?

    The short form of "Youih Bible Drill" is YBD.


YBD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ybd-meaning/

Last updated