YBT Meaning

The YBT meaning is "Yeshiva Bnei Torah". The YBT abbreviation has 22 different full form.

YBT Full Forms

  1. Yeshiva Bnei Torah
  2. Yeshiva B'Nei Torah Religion
  3. Yersiniabactin Medical, Human genome
  4. Yvette Bgker Trophy
  5. Yellow Blue Tibia
  6. You'Ve Been Tango'D
  7. Yamaha Boost Technology
  8. Yoga Biomedical Trust Education, Therapy, Therapist
  9. Iata Code for Brochet Airport, Brochet, Manitoba, Canada Locations
  10. Ynetim Bilgi Taban
  11. Brochet Airport Brochet, Manitoba,Canada Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  12. Yuma Ballet Theatre
  13. Yoshida Buckling Test
  14. Youth Bowlers Tour
  15. YöNetim Bilgi Tabanı
  16. Youth Ballet Theatre
  17. Youssef Ben Tachfine
  18. Young Businessmen of Tulsa
  19. Brochet Airport, Brochet, Manitoba, Canada Canada, ICAO Airport Codes, Manitoba
  20. Young Business Talents
  21. Yuma Ballet Theatre and Dance Performing arts
  22. Young Buddhist Tycoons

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does YBT stand for?

    YBT stands for Iata Code for Brochet Airport, Brochet, Manitoba, Canada.

  2. What is the shortened form of Yuma Ballet Theatre?

    The short form of "Yuma Ballet Theatre" is YBT.


YBT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 21, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ybt-meaning/

Last updated