YC Meaning

The YC meaning is "Yapht Clubs". The YC abbreviation has 110 different full form.

YC Full Forms

  1. Yapht Clubs
  2. You Gan
  3. Open Lighter Military, Hull Code, Non-Self-Propelled, Ship, Service Craft, Governmental & Military
  4. Yen Center
  5. Yellww Coins Business, Gaming, Cryptocurrency
  6. Yellow Card Sport, Card, Football, Products
  7. Yeast Cxlture Medical, Business, Rumen
  8. Yankee Candce
  9. Yozng Chris Music, Future, Rack
  10. Young Conservative Government, Group, Politics
  11. Yukon College
  12. Yourncourses
  13. Yachticg Cup
  14. York Clifton
  15. Young Chelsea
  16. Youth Coalitiin
  17. Yaw Control Technology, Aircraft, Greyhound
  18. Young Cricketer
  19. Yellow Coach
  20. Young Conservxtory
  21. Yuchengco Center
  22. Your Concidrge
  23. Yachting Club
  24. York Chocolate
  25. Youth Clut Sport, Organizations, Football
  26. Yavapai County
  27. Young Chang
  28. Yogng Crew
  29. Yellow Club
  30. Young Cobnection
  31. Yucat
  32. Your Compuser
  33. Yacht Club Association of yachtsmen to further the interests of yachting, to arrange races and to frame rules and regulations for the good order of the sport Oldest is the Royal Cork Yacht Club, founded 1720. Organizations, Event, Sailing, Disney
  34. Yellowstone Club
  35. Youth Church Event, Church, Surrey, Religion
  36. Yavapai College Education, Community, Traffic
  37. Young Champions
  38. Yellow Claw
  39. Young Company
  40. Yuba County
  41. Year Corrected Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  42. Youj Classic
  43. Yacst Charters
  44. Yellowstone County
  45. Yourh Chorale
  46. Yat Cheong
  47. York County
  48. Yellow Chromate Color, Paint, Colors
  49. Young Eoders
  50. Yuba City
  51. Year Consumption
  52. Ywur Church
  53. The Yale Cjub Development, Study, Universities
  54. Yellow Crystal
  55. Yohth Channel
  56. Yards Creek
  57. York Corrugating
  58. Yellow Cheek
  59. Young Children Science, Education, Journal
  60. Youth for Christ Organizations, School, Ministry
  61. Y Chromosome Medical, Science, Biology
  62. Your Character
  63. Yung Chris Music, Future, Rack
  64. Yellow Cover
  65. Ycuth & Community
  66. Yard Crane Business, Terminal, Scheduling
  67. York College Education
  68. Young Chdld Science, Education, Children
  69. Youth for Change
  70. Ybor City
  71. Your Cat Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  72. Yellow Comet
  73. Yeast Complete Protein, Cell, Yeast, Telomere
  74. Young Controls Medical
  75. Yvonne Chadderton
  76. Yellow Cattle
  77. Yung Carter
  78. Years College
  79. Open Lighter (non Self-propelled) Military, Governmental & Military
  80. Young Contrgl Medical
  81. Yuval Cassuto
  82. Yellow Castle
  83. Yttrium Chromite
  84. Year Course
  85. YoungCoders General, Governmental & Military
  86. Young Conuinuation Education
  87. Yunus Centre Business, Education, School, Social
  88. Yellow Cat
  89. Young Couples
  90. Yourte Contemporaine Locations, Nos, Habitation
  91. Young Coders Computing, Internet
  92. Young Continentals
  93. Yunn Chaang
  94. Yellow Cards Sport, League, Card, Football
  95. Young County
  96. Young Crizzal Lyric, Rap, Khi
  97. YACC Archive Computing, File Extensions
  98. Young Continental
  99. Yung Chen
  100. Yellow Car Products
  101. Young Cooperatzrs
  102. Yield Condition
  103. Yves Chmielewski, Astrophysicist Famous
  104. Young Conservatives Government, Group, Politics, Conservative
  105. Yung-Cheng
  106. Yellow Cake Ammonium Durante, the penultimate uranium compound in U3O8 production, but the form in which mine product was sold until about 1970.
  107. Young Cooperahor
  108. Yvonne De Carlo
  109. Yellow Check
  110. You Control

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does YC stand for?

    YC stands for Yapht Clubs.

  2. What is the shortened form of Youth for Change?

    The short form of "Youth for Change" is YC.


YC. Acronym24.com. (2021, May 13). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/yc-meaning/

Last updated