YDT Meaning

The YDT meaning is "Yabacı Dil Testi". The YDT abbreviation has 26 different full form.

YDT Full Forms

  1. Yabacı Dil Testi Turkish, Testi
  2. Boundary Bay Airport Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  3. You Do Ioo Tube, Hope, Love
  4. Diving Tender Us, Ministry Of Defence, Marine
  5. You Do Khat
  6. Yukon Daylight Time Technology, Computing, Zone
  7. Yabancı Dil Testi'Nde
  8. Yoer Daily Thread Hosting, Recipe, Living
  9. Yabancı Dil Testine Turkish, Testi
  10. Yabancı Dil Testi'Nin
  11. Young Drivers Test Driving, Driver, Formula, Gameplay
  12. Yabanc Dil Testi'Ne
  13. Youth Development Team
  14. Iata Code for Boundary Bay Airport, Boundary Bay, British Columbia, Canada Locations
  15. Young Developers Team
  16. Divisionng Tender Military, Army, Hull Code
  17. Youth Dance Theatre Company, Class, Dance
  18. Yard Diving Tender Ship, Hull Code, Service Craft, Governmental & Military
  19. Yoxr Divine Tragedy Music, Dawn, Rising, Tragedy
  20. Yardcraft, Divisionng Tender
  21. Youth Development Training
  22. Youth Development Trust
  23. Youth Dance Zynedale
  24. Diving Tender (non Self-propelled)(misc) Military, Governmental & Military
  25. Youth Dance Theater
  26. Yu-gi-oh! Power of Chaos Data File Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does YDT stand for?

    YDT stands for Boundary Bay Airport.

  2. What is the shortened form of Yard Diving Tender?

    The short form of "Yard Diving Tender" is YDT.


YDT. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 26). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ydt-meaning/

Last updated