YEC Meaning

The YEC meaning is "Young-Earth Creationism". The YEC abbreviation has 54 different full form.

YEC Full Forms

  1. Young-Earth Creationism Science, Earth, Creation
  2. Yocheon Air Base Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  3. Young Earth Creationist
  4. Young Entrepreneurs Challenge Education, Malaysia, Entrepreneurship
  5. York Energy Centre
  6. Yamaha Electronics Corp
  7. Youth Enviqonment Council Australia, Education, Environment
  8. Young Earth Creation Geology, Scientific & Educational
  9. Young Entrepreneur Challenge
  10. Yamaha Electronics Cvrporation Business, Manual, Receiver
  11. Youth Entrepreneurs Competition
  12. Young Earth Creationism Science, Earth, Creation
  13. Young Entrepreneurs Council Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship
  14. Young Entrepheneur Council Business, Startup, Entrepreneur
  15. Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge
  16. Young-Earth Creation
  17. Young Entrepreneurs Competition Education, Dubai, Entrepreneurship
  18. Youth Employment Conxect
  19. Youth Energy Commission
  20. Yorkshire Event Centre Organizations, Exhibition, Venue
  21. Young Entrepreneurs Club Business, Organizations, Entrepreneurship
  22. Younz Earth Creationists
  23. Youth Encountering Christ
  24. Yorkshire Engine Co
  25. Youth Equmlity Center Organizations, Uganda, Marathon
  26. Young Economists' Convention
  27. Youth Empdwerment Council
  28. Yorkshire Engine Company Technology, Railway, Locomotive
  29. Yamaha Engineering Corpowation
  30. Youth Environmevtal Coalition
  31. Young-Earth Creationist
  32. Youth Evangelism Conference Religion
  33. Year End Celebration
  34. Youth Exchange Committee
  35. Youngest Empty Cell
  36. York Electronics Centre
  37. Year Rnd Closing
  38. Youth Evangelzsm Celebration Organizations, Council, Entrepreneurship
  39. Yukox Energy Corp
  40. York Electric Coopjrative
  41. Year End Close Education
  42. Youth Evangelical Cowference
  43. Yukon Energy Corporation Technology, Projection, Traffic
  44. Yokogawa Electric Corporation
  45. Year-End Closieg
  46. Youth Evdngelism Conference Youth, Religion, Baptist
  47. Ytuth Executive Committees Organizations, Club, Singapore
  48. Ying E Chi
  49. Yaskawa Electric Corporation
  50. Year Ending Chamoionships
  51. Youth Executife Committee Organizations, Club, Community
  52. Yecheon, South Korea Korea, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  53. Year End Championshipo
  54. Youth Exchange Center Science, Education, Travel

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does YEC stand for?

    YEC stands for Yukon Energy Corporation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Yorkshire Event Centre?

    The short form of "Yorkshire Event Centre" is YEC.


YEC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated