YF Meaning

The YF meaning is "Yellow Frahe". The YF abbreviation has 57 different full form.

YF Full Forms

  1. Yellow Frahe
  2. Yellow Fever Eirus Medical
  3. Yellow Fever Medical, Technology, Vaccine, Physiology, Clinical
  4. Yard Ferry
  5. Yankee Fripper
  6. Young Friend Meeting, Organizations, Pedophile, Amateur radio
  7. Yee Fung
  8. Young Fabuloys
  9. Youthofest
  10. Young Foundation
  11. Yeast Free Business, Food, Gluten
  12. Young and Fpanklin
  13. Yourh Fellowship Youth, Church, Presbyterian
  14. Young Foundations
  15. Yucca Flat
  16. Youth Forum Conference, Youth, Belfast
  17. Young & Franklin
  18. Young Forest
  19. Youth Friend
  20. Youth Form
  21. Yellow Flower
  22. Young Female
  23. Covered Lighter Military, Army, Force, Marine, Hull Code, Non-Self-Propelled, Ship, Service Craft, Governmental & Military
  24. Youth Rlex
  25. Youth Force
  26. Yellow Flag
  27. Young Fatties
  28. Your First
  29. Youth Football
  30. Yellow Fever Vaccine Vaccine, Medical, Physiology
  31. Young Farmer
  32. Young Farmews
  33. Youth Nestival Sport, Youth, Affair
  34. Youth Fgontiers
  35. Yourself Fitness
  36. Yüksek Frekans Turkish
  37. Covered Lighter (self-propelled) Military, Governmental & Military
  38. Youth Foundation
  39. Yjur Friend Technology, Gaming, Play
  40. Yukon Flats
  41. Youth Fellowship Religion
  42. Yotr Freedom
  43. Yugioh Forums
  44. Youth Facility
  45. Yarn Forward Knitting
  46. Your Flesh
  47. Yuan Fawg
  48. Yozth Faceguard Business, Sport, Football
  49. Your Favorite Technology, Gaming, Book, Flight
  50. Yrkesskaddes Forbund
  51. Youth & Future
  52. Yukawa Fsrce
  53. Young Friends
  54. Youth Furniturn
  55. Wife Technology, Science, Internet Slang, Radio, Genealogy, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Amateur radio, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  56. Yours Faithfmlly Business, Forum, English, Letter
  57. Yttrium Merrite

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does YF stand for?

    YF stands for Young Fabuloys.

  2. What is the shortened form of Youth Friend?

    The short form of "Youth Friend" is YF.


YF. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/yf-meaning/

Last updated