YM Meaning
The YM meaning is "Yoctometre". The YM abbreviation has 122 different full form.
YM Full Forms
- Yoctometre Units Of Length, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units
- Yoctometer Units Of Length, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units
- Yahoo Messenger Technology, Chat, Detector
- Yemen Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Yemen, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Yadier Molina
- Montenegro Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Montenegro, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Yottametre Units Of Length, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units
- You'Re Welcome Texting, Internet, Social Media, Amateur radio, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism
- Yottameter Units Of Length, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units
- Yeast Mold Science, Product, Broth
- Yeast and Mold Medical, Product, Agar, Food
- Yehudi Menuhin
- Young Magazine Magazine, Dragon, Jump, Comic
- Yacht, Motor
- Yes Man Movie, Music, Man, Screener
- Young Money
- Youth Ministers
- Your Magazine Media, Radio, Television
- YardıMcı Makina
- Yo Mtmma
- Yeasts and Moulds Business, Product, Food
- Young Machine Honda, Machine, Yamaha, Ninja
- YazıLıM MüHendisliğI
- Quantico Young Marines Development, Learning, Study, Military, Governmental & Military
- Yes, Mistress
- Young Mommies
- Youth Messenger
- Young Muslim
- Yard Master
- Yopmama
- Yeasts and Molds
- Younger Members
- Yayasan Melaka
- Dredge Drag net drawn along sea bed when fishing. Apparatus for bringing up a sample of the sea bed when surveying. Bucket of a dredger Military, Army, Hull Code, Non-Self-Propelled, Ship, Service Craft, Governmental & Military
- Yerba Maté
- Young Miss Girl, Magazine, Teen, Miss
- Youth Mentoring Program, Organizations, Church
- Young Musicians
- Yard Manager
- Yoko Mori
- Youth Movement
- Yeast Morphology Medical, Compound, Formula
- Younger Member
- Yawing Moment Technology
- York Medical
- Ynys Mon
- Yellow Monkey
- Young Miracles Gaming, League, Miracle
- Yard Management Business, Supply, Warehouse
- Yoke Mount Business, Audio, Speaker
- Young Mula Lyric, Money, Banger
- Youth Motivators
- Younger Man
- Younger Men
- Yat Ming
- Yonsei Mel Medical, Patient, Cancer, Study
- Yellow Metal
- Young Manhattanite Computing, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
- Yacht Master
- Yoaa Month
- Young Monster
- Youth Mobilization
- Young and Modern
- Youth Member
- Yasunori Mitsuda
- Yo Momma Organization, Joke, Mama
- Yellow Medicine
- Young Male
- Yachting Monthly
- Yoga Mats
- Younq Money
- Youth Ministry Student, Education, Church
- Youth Meetings
- Yarmouth Mariners
- Yo Mama Amateur radio
- Yapo Merkezi
- Youth Markets
- Yağ Miktarı Turkish, Presentation, Baz
- Yorkshirz Museum
- Yvonne Marie
- Yeast and Molds
- You Moron
- Young & Modern Performing arts
- Yankee Machine
- Your Move
- Young Man Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- York Finster
- Yves Moreau
- Yeast and Mannitol Medical, Medicine, Health
- You Money
- Young's Modulus Young's modulus is a mechanical property of linear elastic solid materials. It measures the force that is needed to stretch a material sample. Electrical
- Yamamoto Methid
- Your Mother Internet Slang, Movie, Chat
- Dredge (self-propelled)(misc) Military, Governmental & Military
- York Mets
- Yung Money
- Yearly Meetings
- You Misspelt
- YM BioSciences, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Your Mom Internet Slang, Chat, Sms, Text Messaging, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Atari St Audio File Computing, File Extensions
- Yvon'S Method
- Youth Meeting
- Yearly Meeting Organizations, Genealogical, Quaker
- You Misspelled
- Your Membership
- Yang Mills method Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Yttrium Mangabite
- Youth Medium Business, Sport, Shirt, Clothes
- Yearbook of Morphology
- You'Re Mean
- Yamakawa and Maeta
- Your Media
- You Mean ... Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Yiddishe Mame Music, Song, Album
- Youth Matters
- Year and Month Formula, Column, Query
- Yoso Maharis
- YöNetim Merkezi
- Yeast and Mould
- Your Majesty
- Young Manufacturing Computing, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does YM stand for?
YM stands for YardıMcı Makina.
What is the shortened form of Yoko Mori?
The short form of "Yoko Mori" is YM.
YM. Acronym24.com. (2020, July 26). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ym-meaning/
Last updated