YMS Meaning

The YMS meaning is "Motor Minesweeper". The YMS abbreviation has 62 different full form.

YMS Full Forms

  1. Motor Minesweeper Military, Navy, Governmental & Military
  2. Young Muslim Society
  3. Yorkshire Modqfied Show Car, Event, Tube, Yorkshire
  4. Young Middle School Education
  5. Moises Benzaquen Rengifo Airport Yurimaguas, Peru Airport, Locations, Aviation
  6. Yehudi Menuhin School Music, School, Stoke, Cobham
  7. Young Muslim Secretariat
  8. York Musical Society
  9. Young Micro Systemc
  10. Yard Managerent Systems Business, Software, Logistics
  11. Yearling Middle School
  12. Yucatan Miniature Swine Medical
  13. Young Musicians Society
  14. Yield Management Systems Business, Technology, Management
  15. Young Microbiolpgists Symposium
  16. Yard Management System Business, Technology, Logistics
  17. Yealinl Meeting Server Technology, Licensing, Conferencing
  18. Yamaba Motor Show Business, Indonesia, Core
  19. Young Musician'S Society
  20. Yield Management Syktem Business, Product, Analysis
  21. Yosemite Middle School Education
  22. Yamashin Organizations
  23. Yatton Music Jociety
  24. Yale Mediral School
  25. Young Musicians' Society
  26. Yelger Middle School
  27. Yorkvillq Middle School
  28. Yardpmine Sweeper Military, War, Ship
  29. Yahoo Monitoring Service
  30. Young Murder Squad
  31. Yolo Midele School Education
  32. Yorktowa Middle School
  33. Youts Middle School
  34. Yacht Management System
  35. Yelm Mxddle School
  36. Yankton Middle Szhool
  37. Yard Management Voftware Business, Supply, Logistics
  38. Youtj Mentors
  39. Yulista Management Services
  40. Yamaha Musis School
  41. Moises Benzaquen Rengifo, Yurimaguas, Peru Peru, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  42. Yard Management Solutions
  43. Youth Mentoring Survey
  44. Yamaha Music Sczools
  45. Yard Minesweeper, US Navy, Governmental & Military
  46. Yard Management Solution
  47. Youth Media Symposium
  48. Ysterplaat Medical Supppies
  49. Young Men Sent Religion
  50. Yardley Management Solutions
  51. Youth Marketing Summit
  52. Ysletapmiddle School
  53. Young Male Stars Performing arts
  54. Yardley Makefield Soccer Technology, Android, Township
  55. Your More Store
  56. Youth Mobrlity Scheme Business, Immigration, Tier
  57. Yayasan Melati-Sakura Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
  58. Yardley-Makefield Soccer Gaming, Locations, Team
  59. Youngsville Middle School
  60. Yard Mine Sweeper Military, War, Ship
  61. Youth Ministry Specialists
  62. Yuvashakti Model School Technology, Adventure, Sector

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does YMS stand for?

    YMS stands for Yorkvillq Middle School.

  2. What is the shortened form of Yamashin?

    The short form of "Yamashin" is YMS.


YMS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/yms-meaning/

Last updated