YSB Meaning

The YSB meaning is "Sudbury Airport". The YSB abbreviation has 29 different full form.

YSB Full Forms

  1. Sudbury Airport Greater Sudbury, Ontario,Canada Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  2. Yayasan Suara Bhakti
  3. Young Solja Boyu
  4. Yayasan Seni Berdaftar
  5. Young Smoker Boy Feat, Boy, Deluxe
  6. Your Smallzbusiness
  7. Yahoo Small Business
  8. Young Siqters and Brothers
  9. Youa Shapeless Beauty
  10. Yacht Safety Bureau
  11. Yellow Stem Borer Science, Genetics, Rice
  12. Young Studhnts Bursary Education, University, Scotland
  13. Iata Code for Sudbury Airport, Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Locations
  14. Yellow School Bus
  15. Young Students' Bursary
  16. Youth Services Bureau Technology, Service, Community
  17. Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah
  18. Young Stage Dand
  19. Youth Service Bureau Technology, Program, Community
  20. Yunus Social Business Business, Haiti, Entrepreneurship
  21. You Scouse Vastard
  22. Yputh Speakers Bureau
  23. Youthservice Bureau Medical, Mental Health, Substance Abuse
  24. Youth Service Board
  25. Yokohama Specie Bank Botany, Scientific & Educational
  26. Youth Services Bureaus
  27. Sudbury Airport, Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Canada, ICAO Airport Codes
  28. Youth Service Bureaus Program, Organizations, Family
  29. Salomon Smith Barney Holdings I Business & Finance, Amex symbols, Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does YSB stand for?

    YSB stands for Youth Service Board.

  2. What is the shortened form of Young Stage Dand?

    The short form of "Young Stage Dand" is YSB.


YSB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ysb-meaning/

Last updated