ZAB Meaning

The ZAB meaning is "Zoning Adjustments Board". The ZAB abbreviation has 23 different full form.

ZAB Full Forms

  1. Zoning Adjustments Board Locations
  2. Zentralstelle FüR AusläNdisches Bildungswesen
  3. Zone Administrative Board
  4. Zentrale Akademie FüR Berufe Fort, Gesundheit, Bielefeld
  5. Zone Absolute Barrier
  6. Zaragoza Air Base
  7. Zipped Audio Book Technology, Play, Audiobook, Computing, File Extensions
  8. Zinc-Air Battery
  9. Zentrum FüR Angewandte Biowissenschaften
  10. Zentrum F
  11. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Education, Pakistan, Shaheed
  12. ZAPOTECO, SAN JUAN GUELAVÍA: a language of Mexico Language codes (3 letters)
  13. Zukunfts Agentur Brandenburg
  14. Output of the UNIX SPLIT Utility Computing, File Extensions
  15. Zukunft Ausbildung Berufswahl
  16. Zweibr
  17. Zukunft, Ausbildung, Berufswahl
  18. Zweckverband Abfallverwertung Bazenheid
  19. Zookeeper Atomic Broadcast
  20. Zusammen Aktiv Bleiben
  21. ZweibrüCken Air Base
  22. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Government, Group, Pakistan, Shaheed
  23. Albuquerque Area ARTCC (Albuquerque, NM) Federal Aviation Administration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ZAB stand for?

    ZAB stands for Zweibr.

  2. What is the shortened form of Zukunfts Agentur Brandenburg?

    The short form of "Zukunfts Agentur Brandenburg" is ZAB.


ZAB. (2020, September 10). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated