ZAH Meaning

The ZAH meaning is "Zentralen Anlaufstelle Hospiz". The ZAH abbreviation has 12 different full form.

ZAH Full Forms

  1. Zentralen Anlaufstelle Hospiz
  2. Zentrale Anlaufstelle Hospiz
  3. Zajdela Ascitic Hepatoma Medical, Science, Biology
  4. Zahedan Airport Zahedan, Iran Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  5. Zentrum F
  6. Zoroastrian Association of Houston Organizations, Houston, Iran, Religion
  7. Zentrum FüR Astronomie Heidelberg Education, Institute, Participant
  8. Zahedan International, Zahedan, Iran Iran, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  9. Zuercher Aids-Hilfe
  10. ZüRcher Aids-Hilfe
  11. Zweckverband Abfallwirtschaft Hildesheim
  12. Zuid Afrikaans Hospital Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ZAH stand for?

    ZAH stands for Zentrum F.

  2. What is the shortened form of Zentrum FüR Astronomie Heidelberg?

    The short form of "Zentrum FüR Astronomie Heidelberg" is ZAH.


ZAH. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated