ZBA Meaning

The ZBA meaning is "Zen of Business Administration". The ZBA abbreviation has 25 different full form.

ZBA Full Forms

  1. Zen of Business Administration Business, Practice, Marc
  2. Zoning Board Agendas
  3. Zero Balance Accounting
  4. Zoning Board Agenda
  5. Zero Balance Accounts Business, Accounting, Management, Banking
  6. Zenith Business Academy Business, Australia, Education, Study
  7. Zoning Boards of Adjustment
  8. Zero-Balance Account Business, Banking, Money
  9. Zeme Baptist Association
  10. Zoning Board of Adjustments Meeting, Government, Town
  11. Zero Balance Account Business, Finance, Banking, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Business Word
  12. Zambia Basketball Association Team, Basketball, Zambia
  13. Zoning Board of Adjustment Government, Town, Zoning, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  14. Boskovic Air Charters Limited Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  15. Zoning Board Adjustment
  16. Zoning Boards of Appeal
  17. Zero Bias Annealing
  18. Zoning Board of Appeal Meeting, Locations, Town
  19. Zero Bias Annealed
  20. Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting, Government, Planning, City, Area, Board, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  21. Zululand Bike Adventures
  22. Zoning Bylaw Amendment Civic, Civilian, Municipal
  23. Zoning By-Law Amendment Planning, Locations, Toronto
  24. Zoning Boards of Appeals
  25. Compressed File Run Through UNIX COMPRESS and BTOA Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ZBA stand for?

    ZBA stands for Zero Bias Annealed.

  2. What is the shortened form of Zoning Board Adjustment?

    The short form of "Zoning Board Adjustment" is ZBA.


ZBA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/zba-meaning/

Last updated