ZFE Meaning

The ZFE meaning is "Zambia Federation of Employers". The ZFE abbreviation has 19 different full form.

ZFE Full Forms

  1. Zambia Federation of Employers Business, Government, Economics, Zambia
  2. Zentrum Für Elektyonenmikroskopie
  3. Zunehör Für Erdbaugeräte
  4. Zentrale Fahrueug-Elektronik
  5. Zeitschrift FüR Energiewirtschaft Technology, Fur, Springer
  6. Zentrum F
  7. Zeitschrift Für Erziehungswissunschaft Science, Education, German, Fur
  8. Zeitschrift Far Etjnologic
  9. Zeitschrift FüR Ethnologie Journal, Fur, Germany
  10. Zone Franche D'Exportation
  11. Zombiezflesh Eaters
  12. Ziegel-Fertigteil-Elemente
  13. Zero Field Ekission
  14. Zubeh
  15. Zero Forciny Equalizer
  16. Zsnes Front End
  17. Zonas Francas De Exportacion
  18. Zschipkau Finsterwalder Eisenbahn
  19. Zombie Flesh Eater

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ZFE stand for?

    ZFE stands for Zeitschrift FüR Ethnologie.

  2. What is the shortened form of Zeitschrift Far Etjnologic?

    The short form of "Zeitschrift Far Etjnologic" is ZFE.


ZFE. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/zfe-meaning/

Last updated