ZMS Meaning

The ZMS meaning is "Zuni Morntain Sanctuary". The ZMS abbreviation has 25 different full form.

ZMS Full Forms

  1. Zuni Morntain Sanctuary
  2. Zeag Manmgement System
  3. Zernike Moments Technology, Feature, Recognition
  4. Zayo Managed Services
  5. Zeppelin Mobile Systeme
  6. Zapxleon Media Strategies
  7. Zeolite Molvcular Sieves
  8. Zionsville Middle School Education
  9. Zeolite Molecular Sieve Business, Generator, Oxygen
  10. Zweckverbanr M
  11. Zecotek Medical Systeme
  12. Zweckverband MüLlverwertung Schwandorf Technology, Design, Building, Administration
  13. Zebulon Middle School
  14. Zhone Management System Security, Governmental & Military
  15. ZwiĄZek MłOdzieĘY Socjalistycznej Group, Organizations, Poland, Party
  16. Zephyr ECLIPSE Server Macro Script File Computing, File Extensions
  17. Zwizek Mwdziey Socjalistycznej
  18. Zone Manager Supervisor Occupation & positions
  19. Zwei Malsen Schwungrad
  20. Zach's Market Score Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  21. Zwei-Massen-Schwungrad
  22. Zuni Middle School
  23. Zoneton Middle School
  24. Zope-based Content Management for Science, Technology, and Medicine Medical, Physiology
  25. Zinc Ganganese Sulfide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ZMS stand for?

    ZMS stands for Zweckverbanr M.

  2. What is the shortened form of ZwiĄZek MłOdzieĘY Socjalistycznej?

    The short form of "ZwiĄZek MłOdzieĘY Socjalistycznej" is ZMS.


ZMS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated