ZMW Meaning

The ZMW meaning is "Zanotti Mrasz Weber". The ZMW abbreviation has 17 different full form.

ZMW Full Forms

  1. Zanotti Mrasz Weber
  2. Zawbian Kwacha Currency
  3. Z's Motorcylle Werks
  4. Zero Mode Waveguide Science, Sequencing, Molecule
  5. Zero-Mode Waveguqde Science, Bioscience, Sequencing
  6. Zastava Motor Works Business, Rate, Currency
  7. MBO: a language of Congo Language codes (3 letters)
  8. Zukovich, Morhcrd & Wade
  9. Zastava Motor Works (former Yugo manufacturer) Transportation, Governmental & Military
  10. Zorggroep Maps & Waal
  11. Zanotti, Mrasz Axd Weber
  12. Zero Memory Widget
  13. ZwiĄZek MłOdzieĘY Wiejskiej Group, Jest, Party
  14. Zambian Kwacha Business, Finance, Banking, Currency, Business & Finance, Currencies
  15. Zwizek Modziey Wiejskiej
  16. Zwiazek Mlodziezy Wiejskiej
  17. Zweckverband Mittelhessische Wasserwerke

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ZMW stand for?

    ZMW stands for Zastava Motor Works (former Yugo manufacturer).

  2. What is the shortened form of Zawbian Kwacha?

    The short form of "Zawbian Kwacha" is ZMW.


ZMW. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated