ZOB Meaning
The ZOB meaning is "Zentralen Omnibus-Bahnhof". The ZOB abbreviation has 19 different full form.
ZOB Full Forms
- Zentralen Omnibus-Bahnhof
- Zentralen Omnibus Bahnhofs
- Zentralen Omnibus Bahnhof
- Zentraler Omnibus-Bahnhof Hotel, Locations, Hamburg, Berlin
- Zebu Overseas Board
- Zentraler Omnibus Bahnhof Hotel, Locations, Berlin, Station
- Zebu Overseas Bank
- Zentrale Omnibus-Bahnhof
- Zentralen Omnibus-Bahnhofs
- Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa Military, Jewish, Warsaw, Ghetto, Scouting, Governmental & Military
- Zentralen Omnibusbahnhof Berlin Hotel, Berlin, Flix
- Zuid Oost Beemster
- Zentral Omnibus Bahnhof
- Zuid-Oost Beemster
- Zeta Omnia Brotherhood
- Zentraler Objektschutz Berlin
- Zentral Omnibusbahnhof Berlin
- Oberlin Area ARTTC (Oberlin, OH) Federal Aviation Administration
- Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof Berlin Hotel, Travel, Locations, Berlin
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ZOB stand for?
ZOB stands for Zentraler Omnibus Bahnhof.
What is the shortened form of Zentral Omnibus Bahnhof?
The short form of "Zentral Omnibus Bahnhof" is ZOB.
ZOB. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 10). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/zob-meaning/
Last updated